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  1. Ron Cloninger

    Justin down?

    Wonderful, Thank You to everyone working on this.
  2. Ron Cloninger

    Justin down?

    Tried Web Browser and failed, no cors in range.
  3. Ron Cloninger

    Justin down?

    I am having the same problem as Nate, both yesterday afternoon and today.
  4. Ron Cloninger

    Problem in J-Field Software

    Nate, check your Geoid on the imported old job, mine always seem to be wrong. This may not have anything to do with your problem, this something I seem to change all of the time. Ron
  5. Ron Cloninger

    Radio Problems HPT435BT

    Just a couple of thoughts, what is your setup, Triumph LS or LS+ for a rover and what base are you running T2, T3 or T1M. Did you switch to external Radio on the LS? Your may need to pair the to radio to the base, do you have the cable, USB on one end and the connector to the radio on the...
  6. Ron Cloninger

    Cluster Average Settings, and HOLD down the on button resets more than it did before.

    What if you numbered your singe points with .1, such as 1001.1, would the 1001.1 stay on the original page and the moved clustered point be 1001?
  7. Ron Cloninger


    Used it yesterday, no problems.
  8. Ron Cloninger

    Quick Release for LS

    The Ulanzi one that pappassurveyor mentioned is LEGIT! Thanks for the advice! I also got and it works great, it did loosen up on the LS plus side and I retighten and will try again, maybe some blue lock tight will be needed.
  9. Ron Cloninger


  10. Ron Cloninger

    sheet of ice and snow

    I Have not noticed any problems with ice and snow on the ground here in Illinois. Like Adam said it would be problem in the tree. Probably especially pines
  11. Ron Cloninger

    Power Cable

    I have done once with a small 12 volt battery and it worked fine, I put the battery in a back pack and finished the day. It's not the most convenient way with extra weight and the cable from the back pack to the LS to mess with.
  12. Ron Cloninger


    Don't know, I run the same LS+ and T3 and don't have the radio antennas on either when running TCP.
  13. Ron Cloninger

    Data stream ordering error

    It appears that your Base Location coordinates are to far off in the second screen shot. Try using the correct location or an autonomous location. Hope this helps Ron
  14. Ron Cloninger

    What communication channel is preferable in your application?

    I need both, use TCP when available but need UHF for areas good cellular service.
  15. Ron Cloninger

    Simultaneous UFH and TCP

    The next release of firmware? Thanks, Ron
  16. Ron Cloninger

    RTK-RTPK discrepancy

    Could the base had been using an autonomous location for the first shots
  17. Ron Cloninger

    Maryland Surveying Conference.

    Unbelievable, I have to try that when I get my LS+, only using the LS now.
  18. Ron Cloninger

    Maryland Surveying Conference.

    How many Satellites?
  19. Ron Cloninger

    Maryland Surveying Conference.

    Nice looking display