Search results

  1. Jim Campi

    T1M+ and JMT/Alt Data Collection Software/Data Collector

    HI John, What is the cost of this unit? I purchased the 1m+ not long ago and a copy of JMT was included if that makes a difference on cost? Thank you for the reply. If cost is right I need to do this asap.
  2. Jim Campi

    JMT 5.1.1 IMU set up

    Separate issue...what android tablet are you using? I ask because I dont really want to invest in their latest version. Is your unit snappy or slow?
  3. Jim Campi

    T1M+ and JMT/Alt Data Collection Software/Data Collector

    Ok, no reply...can anyone tell me what tablets work well with the latest version of JMT.
  4. Jim Campi

    T1M not charging??

    John indicated the battery or charging system (referred to them in general and not specifically) "are not the same as the LS, you need to charge the T1+ before each use".
  5. Jim Campi

    T1M not charging??

    I am going to answer my own question in case anyone else is having the same problem. I was told by staff that the T1M+ is not like the LS. It must be charged every night. I thought that was very unusual but OK, I'm all in. It's very common that my total survey time for the day will be in...
  6. Jim Campi

    T1M+ and JMT/Alt Data Collection Software/Data Collector

    I am looking for some feedback on the most inexpensive android tablet that I can use with the 1M+ on JMT as a network rover. I am unfamiliar with the Android OS other than my experience with phones when they were first released. I have been with Apple for nearly 10 years. Does anyone have...
  7. Jim Campi

    UHF Radio Range - LS

    Thank you Nate. I always appreciate your perspective.
  8. Jim Campi

    UHF Radio Range - LS

    Gentlemen, Matt Johnson deserves combat pay for dealing with my many concerns regarding the 1M+. To say he has gone above and beyond the call of duty is a serious understatement. When I purchases the LS, my 1 watt external radio allowed me to be almost 10,000 ft from the base. Now I the...
  9. Jim Campi

    T1M not charging??

    Gentlemen, I have been using the Triumph 1M+ for a few months now. It seems that regardless of the state of the battery when last used, the next time I set up it is always dead...
  10. Jim Campi

    Geomagnetic Storms and Surveying

    We are currently experiencing the second G2 Geomagnetic Storm in as many days. The NOAA claims that these storms can impact GPS (GNSS) space craft as well as significant disruptions of the ionosphere, making it more difficult to achieve a fixed signal. Yesterday's storm was in the top 20...
  11. Jim Campi

    File Issue - Urgent

    Hello all...I have a problem locating a file. I completed a survey on Sept 8 2023, this was confirmed by notes. The Jfield calendar shows an object on this date but no file when selected. I have no search filters activated and files are showing on other dates that month. Any idea how I...
  12. Jim Campi

    Testing Your Radio - Expected RSSI Values

    I am working on a deadline this eve. I will send you a message if I finish early or perhaps you are available this weekend?
  13. Jim Campi

    Testing Your Radio - Expected RSSI Values

    I can tell you that about the 2 years ago the nut that holds the uhf antenna male connector in place would continually loosen, allowing the connector to spin. At the time I was thinking that the wiring might be tightening up with every rotation. Perhaps this resulted in bad connection. Of...
  14. Jim Campi

    Testing Your Radio - Expected RSSI Values

    Link quality is rarely 100%. Got it, thank you. I was having the same problem with the external radio and T2.
  15. Jim Campi

    Testing Your Radio - Expected RSSI Values

    Hi Matt, I was using my LS and T1+ via UHF yesterday. The initial 90 mins of a topo it was taking 90 to 120 seconds to collect a point. The base was above me, in clear sight and the site was mostly open. The latter part of my survey it was taking 10-20 seconds to collect a point. I...
  16. Jim Campi

    Data xfer to cloud storage...

    Great idea gentlemen. I will try google. Something new happened the last time I attempted to download to Dropbox. I received the usual message. This time it tapped ok (or similar, I don’t recall) and the system allowed me to transfer 99% of the file. It gets hung up on the last 1%...
  17. Jim Campi


    Wow, this was nearly 10 years ago. I can say that Javad has truly made a positive impact on my designs. A big part of that is everyone here that has responded to my questions. Thank you to all of you. Did symbols ever get incorporated in J-Field and is there an online library that we all...
  18. Jim Campi

    Data xfer to cloud storage...

    I am continuing to have problems with transfer to data to the cloud. For the first several years the service was active it worked great. Not now. I have deleted by Javad account, revoked access, reestablished the service (multiple times) and even went so far as to create a new Dropbox...
  19. Jim Campi

    RAMS will eat your data plan!

    When actively accessing your device it uses 6MB/min. Thankfully DAC waived the $450 fee I racked up. To say I was surprised when I received their invoice is an understatement.
  20. Jim Campi

    What is J-Star PPP service?

    I was told the the PPP service is sub meter rather than centimeter. Please correct me if mistaken.