Background Map Not Uploading

Kelly Bellis

ME PLS 2099
RE: Linux, Jfield and RAMS desktop v??.???

Using RAMS and WiFi, I've been trying unsuccessfully to upload a background map to SD\jdata\BackgroundMaps.

Is this a known issue and is there a work around?

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Did you try using the web version of DPOS? If you don't want to transfer the file through the internet then you could save the background to a USB drive and then copy it from there into the SD card.

Eugene Aksyonov

Well-Known Member
RE: Linux, Jfield and RAMS desktop v??.???

Using RAMS and WiFi, I've been trying unsuccessfully to upload a background map to SD\jdata\BackgroundMaps.

Is this a known issue and is there a work around?
there are no changes made for linux version that requires a new version of desktop rams. It should be transparent to any version of rams and behave similar. I would check your local restrictions for browser and rams. Probably, it is blocking images loading, etc...
later, when I back from vacation, I will check the rams src code.

Kelly Bellis

ME PLS 2099
there are no changes made for linux version that requires a new version of desktop rams. It should be transparent to any version of rams and behave similar. I would check your local restrictions for browser and rams. Probably, it is blocking images loading, etc...
later, when I back from vacation, I will check the rams src code.

Vacation! Good for you Eugene! You deserve it!

RE: Browser (Firefox) and Desktop RAMS. there are no issues seen preventing an upload of a test .txt file and a test .png file to SD\Imports\
However, neither of those two test files could be uploaded to SD\jdata\BackgroundMaps

I hope it is less humid and cooler than here wherever you go for your vacation!


From yesterday's first field test with Jfield 3

Kelly Bellis

ME PLS 2099
Did you try using the web version of DPOS? If you don't want to transfer the file through the internet then you could save the background to a USB drive and then copy it from there into the SD card.

What is the current URL for the web version of DPOS?