Does JAVAD have averaging software embedded in the Unit for Redundant data?


New Member
When we preform RTK surveys and tie a monument, we usually try to tie the monument twice, separating by about 4 hours. Someone mentioned to me that JAVAD has the capabilities to average these points and produce one final coordinate for the two separate measurements on the same point. Does this exist?

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Yes... It's a weighted average. If you shoot it twice, and the two shots are N 10°16'14" E 0.075' apart, then your final average takes into account many things... It will be closer to one shot, than the other, and it won't be on a straight line.
If number 1457, and 1604 are the 2 shots on the point, then you can have it use the FIRST point name, (1457) and add a letter, or a few letters. Like:
It is case sensitive. If your software allows AlphaNumeric Point numbers, this works good.
It also averages many shots, like 8 or 12 as you need.
It also can be set to Run through a sequence, of FIX, RESET, say 20 times, then shoot 180 seconds, and a final reset, to see if it got the right Initialize. Then, store it, and RESTART, 10x, 20x, or infinity.

This is good, when you have an important point shot, and sats are not cooperating well, and you can set it, and go to lunch. 45 min later, it's got a number of shots.
Now, average that.
MMM hmmm.