DPOS processing issues

Not able to LOGIN to the "new site" to process DPOS. Several attempts to reset password have not been successful. Had to process w/OPUS last week to meet deadlines hoped that by today it would be "fixed".

I create a new password and it will not work. Would like to use DPOS since it works for some site conditions (uses GLONASS) where OPUS doesn't and have several static burns from my Triumph 1s that need done today....

Seems to be an account or password creation issue?

Dmitry Ostrikov

Active Member

I see you have three different accounts at javad.com, of course you may face to some issue which requires a further investigation. Please proceed the password recovery procedure again and at first login after the password has changed fill in the 'login' filed with the email address all the three accounts bound to instead of any login you are use.
