
James Suttles

Active Member
I just upgraded the Jfield firmware, yesterday. Since the upgrade, it appears the unit, struggles in the woods more. It seems to take longer to resolve, the location. What was taking around 240 seconds with verify, is floating more, and takes between 400 and upwards to 900 seconds. It may just be the configuration, of the satellites, today.

I have been looking for a list of changes, between firmware versions, but it appears those are not being posted.

Does anyone know what the last firmware changes were, or if they are posted somewhere.


Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Have you been working in wet conditions lately? Most of the US has experienced a lot of rain lately. Wet canopy is definitely more difficult to work under than dry.

James Suttles

Active Member
It was wet, rainy and heavy cloud cover, so I guess everything considered, its probably just the conditions.

Thanks for the link to the changes, that is good know we can get release notes.