Is DPOS down again?

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
Friday the same files processed. Thursday two of the smaller files went thru overnight, but used CORS stations from two states away and none from MA.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
Base File Friday 1-3:30 PM. Ran DPOS Saturday at 10 AM. Processing screen stayed around 45%. 2 hours later the report said "no CORS in range". Tried the same file again Saturday at 2 pm. Same result, 45% by 3. Checked at 3:15 pm and the report saind "No CORS in range". Base site was all sky. Prior to starting base I collected a check Mass Cors Rtn shot that checked 0.02'. Is this a Massachusetts problem or a DPOS issue? Typically I can get a DPOS solution hours after the session, while a few closer MA CORS stations may come in after this for a slightly refined solution.

ken larson

Active Member
Sounds like a javad problem....I have not needed lately, but did collect data on Friday in NYS. I will try and submit in AM and see if it hangs up

ken larson

Active Member
Yes...I got the same....I do not think they are processing the data as fast or as seems to work the next day

John Rosco

It appears that over the past 24hrs the NGS server / repository of CORS data is interrupted for some reason causing inability to process JPS data using DPOS or even CORS using Rinex observation files.