JMT Status Bar Informations

Nistorescu Sorin

Active Member
Below is a JMT screenshot (current version 4.3.3 build 2020-01-09) with acctual status bar informations, some user defined white boxes and many other settings for point data collection in the field:

Actual JMT status bar screenshot.png

Somehow, I find useful to watch a few particular details within status bar. In my opinion, the proposed status bar informations must display both HRMS/VRMS, alerting me (red colour in status bar/white boxes) against any exceeded value during measurements. I think it is useful to watch both HRMS/VRMS in some urban/canopy obstructed environments:

Proposed JMT status bar.png

From satellites perspective, everything will change. Probably, some of us will prefer this design (no more room for SBAS and others..), in a more actual/complex GNSS signals environment. A single tap and the extended satellite settings screen will help us more.

Next section could help us when the user is changing the GNSS network corrections provider and this is exactly the scenario from the screenshot. The name of the GNSS network corrections provider could be: CRTN, ROMPOS, GNSSPOS, etc. Just change one from another to watch the distance from the Master Base, satellites and many more in the extended correction screen. In my case, "base1" (South) is from GNSS Network named GNSSPOS and base2 (North, closer from me) is from GNSS Network named ROMPOS.

I just ask for developers to add some actual/useful details in JMT status bar, if possible. Thank you very much.
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