Eugene Aksyonov
Well-Known Member
ready to support in case you need itI'm migrating. :_)
ready to support in case you need itI'm migrating. :_)
It reports this message because yout T1 firmware doesn't support new features used by Triumph-LS. I think "Moving Base" is the one. You better upgrade T1M with the latest firmware. The Message doesn't disturb normal activity, but just alert the user about potential issues. Tell me firmware version at T1M, please.
Any idea how/why this happened?
Is there anything on the internal SD card that shouldn't be removed?
I did use the same usb drive I’d used on the other units. I was leading one of our guys through the process and had him delete everything on that usb before we started. The jobs that are now populated in the “open existing job” list are ones from the machine we were updating that had previously been archived to that particular SD card.Did you mitigation files on your USB drive from another unit? oops by me...."apparently", the user I was helping through the migration process archived the jobs, but in fact, did NOT delete them, therefore there were 58 jobs loaded on the LS when we began the migration.I migrated another one of our systems today. Everything seemed to go fine but I noticed during the migration that it was taking much longer than the other two I’d done.
There were only 8 jobs in the LS when I began the migration but when everything was finished restoring it gave me a message that “58 projects successfully unpacked” and sure enough, there were 6 pages of jobs now in the LS.
Any idea how/why this happened? It pulled the jobs, I’m sure, from the archived jobs I had on the attached SD card, but the question is, why?
I have tried unsuccessfully 3 times to migrate to Linux.
On the first attempt after about 3 hours LS got to the black screen and hung up, I reset with the on button. The new thumb drive was FAT32 and the had the copied restore files copied to it.
After the first attempt I took the time to clean out the old files and left 5 or 6 projects and once again started the migration process, which only took about 45 minutes to an hour before once again the black screen hang up at which time I reset it with the on button. This time there was a crash dump file on the thumb drive and when LS booted back up the was a SOAP ERROR and an error code MD5(I think, failed to write down).
On the third attempt I reformatted the thumb drive and got the same issue.