Paper Clip Icon in Points List


New Member
Would someone please elucidate - what does the paper clip icon in the points list in j-field do/signify?


Well-Known Member
It means there is an attachment with the point it is beside. Attachments can be gnss raw file, picture, screenshot, or note.


New Member
Thanks! What does the toggle do? When I click the paper clip icon at the upper left of the point list, it changes to the shifted point icon? What is happening then?

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
The shifted point icon shows whether points have been shifted or not. Shifting is done in M-Local, using Shift in the Collect Screen or by DPOS.


New Member
There seems to be some effect on the way the list is displayed. Several icons in the listing disappear and are replaced by a satellite antenna icon.

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
The satellite antenna icon shows that jps data is attached to the point. If you select the resource button (three green bars) in the top left corner of the screen, you can select what column details to display. Show "JPS" column controls the visibility of the satellite icon.


New Member
The left column in the type filters is a numeral. Most times blue but sometimes red. What does the number and color signify?


Well-Known Member
It's the solution count. If it is red then the ppk solution disagrees with the rtk solution. When you see red, tap the point and tap the chart looking (processed point screen) button to review.


New Member
Ah. So it isn't whether the ppk solution is fixed or not, but whether it agrees with the rtk solution within certain parameters. But what is the significance of the count itself?

Btw, I don't mind reading, but haven't been able to locate a detailed explanation in the manuals. Any help on where to find these things is also appreciated.



Well-Known Member
The number count will usually say 2 or 4 after dpos, maybe 5. It is 2 solutions from the auto base, 2 solutions from the cors base and maybe an M-Local solution if you did a shift.