Peculiar DPOS processing problem


We're running two Triumph LS, one as the base and the other as the rover connected over LTE. At the end of the day, we copy the base file via dropbox over to the rover, attached it to a recovered base point and process it. Over the last couple jobs (last three days) the file uploads to DPOS but fails with a "Connection Lost. Please try again later" error. We've tried changing up the wifi over to ethernet, etc, but get the same result. On the LS that we use as a base, we are able to create base & DPOS from file and send it off to DPOS without a problem. What would cause the combined Base + points of our rover LS to fail at DPOS?

Thanks for your help.


Here's another little tidbit of info from the DPOS trace log. Seems to fail just after entering the PP Settings uploading.


I did get it to work but I'm not sure why. I went into the DPOS configuration and unchecked "Process All raw GNSS Points" and it ran. The log would give different errors about the same stage in processing when it was checked and in other attempts gave the error at the "entering stage "pp settings uploading" I can't remember it being a problem in the past. We had this problem on the last two jobs, and updated the firmware to the latest in-between.

Michael Stazhkov

We have also been experiencing problem with our internet connection recently. No only for DPOS. So please try several times or try different internet provider. For me, switching from wired network to mobile network helps.