Sure, but REALLY hide vertices, please.

Eric Tweet

Active Member
I'm a staunch proponent of dumping linework of all sorts into my project. Grab a DWG, import, all good.

I have the "Hide Vertices" option checked, and indeed it auto-applies that filter in the points screen. No problem there.

But in the map, it shows EVERYTHING. Got a bunch of plats, easements, centerlines, utilities, etc? Well, enjoy looking at every point and all the labels on your map at once!

Is there a way to actually hide the vertices on the map? Perhaps I've just overlooked something and it's perfectly easy to do. I just haven't managed to discover how to do that.

Eric Tweet

Active Member
Oh, wow. Somehow, I've only glanced at that View screen a couple of times ever. Thanks a ton!

It looks like it still shows the codes for those misc. points and I'd have to hide codes for all points if I wanted to turn vertex codes off. Certainly an improvement though.

And I think that View menu answers several other questions that were rattling around in the back of my head!
Thanks again.