This needs clarifiction for me to understand ...

Charles Owens

Active Member
From Gary Thompson of the NC Geodetic Survey last night.......

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nacho Romero <>
Date: Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 2:29 AM
Subject: [IGSSTATION-7914] URGENT Javad receiver tracking command for
new GPS III satellite ...
To: <>

Dear station operators,

If you operate any Javad receiver please send the commands indicated
below so that the new GPS satellite is properly tracked, Thanks!

The latest GPS III satellite (SVN-75) has recently started signal
transmission as PRN G18 and is already tracked by a quite large number
of IGS stations. However, as currently no almanac is transmitted,
tracking of L1C, L2C and L5 signals has to be enabled manually for all
Javad receivers. Could you please ask all operators of Javad receivers
to send the following GREIS commands to their receivers:




According to information from Javad, this is currently the only way to
enable tracking of these signals.

Thanks for your support and best regards,

Best regards,

Ignacio (Nacho) Romero
Aerospace Engineer, PhD
Satellite Navigation Engineer @ ESOC Navigation Support Office
IGS Infrastructure Committee Chair


Well-Known Member
I am curious too Charles. Thanks for posting. I think it is related only to IGS and or Cors stations but I could be wrong. If it is something that effects our Triumph LS systems I am sure there will be an update that addresses so users don't have manually send greis commands.