Survey by Offset

Peter B

New Member
I'm not sure if this has been asked before...

When i use the "Survey by offset" function, the assigned bearing and distance to the offset point does not move after post processing the point with DPOS. (I also remember it gets a little screwy if a tilt correction is used.) I typically work around this by saving the point I measured from as an rtk point and as a post processed point. I then have to move the bearing and distance from the rtk point over to the post processed solution in CAD to create the correct location of the offset point. Is there a setting I'm missing to make this work better? Is this something that might get cleaned up in future J-Field releases?

Matt Sibole

You can select the points that were created the same amount and direction that DPOS moved in cogo/basic/move.

Are you creating the resulting points in the offsets white box from the collect screen after the origin point is shot?

ken larson

Active Member
Strapping a point in from two other shots with a tape is old school, but sometimes old school is the best answer.... minimizes your risk of bad data...fwiw