Base Shift vs. M-Local

Jim White

As a newbie to using a local base, can someone explain the the difference between "base shift" on the collect>points page vs. "m-local"? they both seem to perform the same basic function. Also, what actually defines the beginning and end of a "session"? Thanks! Jim

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Both perform the same basic task. Shift only works during the session, M-Local works during the session or after the session is complete. Shift only allows one point to be used, while M-Local allows multiple points to be used for the translation. (Note even if multiple points are used, M-Local is still only a translation, no rotation. If you need rotation, you will need to look at Localization). A session is the duration of the current base session. If you are using your own base, then it runs from the time you start until you stop the base. If you are using a single base RTN, then it runs for the entire time you would use the RTN (so I suppose it could be for days). If you are using a VRS solution, then it will likely only last for a few minutes as the base is always being recalculated based on the user position.

My experience with Shift and M-Local is limited to working with my own base, so I'm not exactly certain of what to expect with an RTN. I would probably not use them with an RTN for this reason.

Jim White

The local RTN is to sparse in many areas I work to get good performance in difficult locations, but is certainly sufficient to set control. My intention is to use the RTN to drop control on site, then set up an autonomous base on a suitable location, and then adjust it to the RTN with the rover.

It seems the choice between "Base Shift" and "M-local" will be controlled by the number of control points, so for the sake of redundancy and quality control, "M-local" would be superior. I still need to play with them both some more on a test job before going to a real site to use them.

As to the sessions, will just moving the base and resetting it to new autonomous coordinates be enough to create a new session? I am not using a Javad base, so I dont appear to need to go through the "start Base" routine. The LS just starts calculating fixes as soon as it gets the UHF signal.