Camtasia Project: An Introduction to DPOS

Kelly Bellis

ME PLS 2099
This shot's for Harry + CEU Certificate.jpg

Here's what I just sent them:

Hello Dr. Wang and everybody in The Crown of Maine Chapter of MSLS!

Thank you very much for allowing me to speak to you about the Javad Triumph-LS GNSS receiver and other surveying equipment manufactured by Javad GNSS. I think that Friday's visit up to 'The County' went fairly well for the most part (except for some WiFi issues) and the Triumph-LS was generally received with great interest.

Because of WiFi issues, I was unable to process the the previous days data as intended before your very eyes in real time using the RAMS Viewer, so I made this little video for you. Hope that it's informational for you.

Kind regards,


Camtasia Project:
An Introduction to DPOS

View HD
Public screening: YouTube
Dimension: 1280 x 720

The entire slide presentation of my talking points may be downloaded here: 20150508-18.pdf (about 34 MB)