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  1. M

    Incorrect vertical when point staking known points.

    Hello. I have a Triumph LS/Triumph 2/HPT401BT. Prior to this last update, I've never encountered these issues checking into known points.. The horizontal is good, but the vertical is incorrect by a constant elevation. When I set up the RTK base unit, I always point stake to occupied base point...
  2. M

    Triumph LS and Triumph 2 Base/Rover Set-up in SPC, NAD 83, Florida East

    Hello to everyone and thanks to the admins for approving this forum membership. I'm a Senior Crew Chief/CAD tech for a County in Florida and we've recently purchased the Triumph LS, Triumph 2 base with HPT401BT radio. We also have a Topcon Hiper II base/rover unit that appears to be...