An interesting discussion about data flow

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
1 So, I have this job, that was started with LOCUS GPS, (L1 only, 8 channel) and, with traverse points.
2 Then, I added to it, with Topcon Legacy E units. ALL of this work is done on State Plane bearings, but Local Ground Scale.
3 Now, I get the Javad system. I wind up making a localize, to allow the job to continue.
4 I add about 400 shots, doing various jobs in the area.
5 My LS is set up with Page 0 being on SPC via dpos.
6 Page 1 is MY LOCALIZE. It is SPC at local ground scale.

7 Now, I get another job, that I wish to do on this same coordinate system.
8 But, I have NO ties to it.
9 I am using Carlson Survey 2009. I move over, and enter a bunch of deeds. I wind of with 33 additional points. I name these J1 to J33. I make an unknown coord system, and
10 set Page 3 to "Unknown coordinate system". This is where I place J1-J33.
11 I now go to the field, and set the base station on an unknown location. I go and tie into my old base. Remembering that each base, and ALL it's sideshots, are "Unity" or one.
12 They can behave as a single entity.
13 I now go to the POINTS screen, and find the coord that IS the new shot, on the old base. It is point number 1349. the old base is Base7. I highlight point 1349. Then, click on the 3 Bar button, over on the right side,
14 right below DPOS. Here, I hit the PLANE bar, at the bottom of the screen, and ONE button left from the right hand side. Here, I assign point 1349, to Base7.
15 NOW, the underlying base 8 is is moved 7 feet, to be on spc.
16 I now shut down the base, and restart on Base9, and assign Base9 to the same coords as Base8.
17 Now, I tie into a number of the 33 points. They all fit well. I now localize on these. The set of 33 shots were on "True north via GPS". This also works well. by going to COGO.> Tools>Factors, and
18 obtaining Theta. For a scale factor, I use the old one 84 PPM. I apply theta, and continue finding the 20+ yr old monuments, some 8" deep in the paved road, etc.
19 I finish my survey, and am able to set a missing corner, because my localize is solid.
20 I now return home.
21 What I did next was download this group of field shots, on my FIRST local system, (page1). I now study the localize, and in CARLSON I move the linework to be identical in relationship to the
22 localize. I can now draw my plat.

What I am thinking, is it would have maybe been BETTER to change J1-J33 to be on MY LOCAL page, (NOT page 3). And, return these coords to Carlson, and it would be faster.

Anybody else perusing better data flows? What do you think?

This is the same job I got confused on, (For benefit of Philip Lancaster, Matt Sibole, and Shawn Billings, and Adam Plumbley, My solution was line 13 above.

I want to get all the bumps out.


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