Antenna Height Blunder

Jim Frame

Well-Known Member
This may have been addressed before, but a quick search didn't turn up anything and there have been enough J- Field revisions that I figured it's worth asking anyway:

I set up my base today and forgot to enter an antenna height. I didn't notice until the end of the session. I think I have a way of addressing this via Star*Net, but is there a way of correcting the goof in J-Field?

Matthew D. Sibole

Well-Known Member
You can edit the elevation of the base point and it will adjust all of the points that were shot from that base all at one time.

Do this from the points menu.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Calculate the correct height for the base point and then adjust the base position with the Base button found in the Base/Rover Statistics screen.

Jim Frame

Well-Known Member
It sounds like there are at least two ways of producing correct heights by faking the base point, which is what I plan to do in Star*Net. But no way to correct the antenna height after the fact?

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
It sounds like there are at least two ways of producing correct heights by faking the base point, which is what I plan to do in Star*Net. But no way to correct the antenna height after the fact?

The way I described is the only way to adjust rover points in the version of J-Field you have I believe. To edit the antenna height of the base point, open the context menu in the Points screen and choose "Multi-select actions", select the point and then choose "Edit selected objects" from the context menu .

Jim Frame

Well-Known Member
The way I described is the only way to adjust rover points in the version of J-Field you have I believe.

Have the possibilities changed in more recent versions? I did the bad base point height thing again a few days ago, and since my workflow typically relies not on the receiver coordinates but on the exported g-files, it poses a big problem.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Have the possibilities changed in more recent versions? I did the bad base point height thing again a few days ago, and since my workflow typically relies not on the receiver coordinates but on the exported g-files, it poses a big problem.

Yes, now you can edit the base point height and it will adjust the rover points in the latest release version of J-Field.

Jim Frame

Well-Known Member
Yes, now you can edit the base point height and it will adjust the rover points in the latest release version of J-Field.

That works great for correcting the stored points, but it doesn't flow to the g-file. It seems to me that there should be a way to do that, and it would be really helpful to me.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
That works great for correcting the stored points, but it doesn't flow to the g-file. It seems to me that there should be a way to do that, and it would be really helpful to me.

Back some time ago it was decided not to change base coordinates when antenna height is updated for standalone base coordinates. We may need to rethink this. For now, if you DPOS the base and then edit the antenna height, I believe it should work correctly.