Auto Topo

John Thompson

Well-Known Member
I want to shoot topo by mounting the Triumph-LS on my ATV and have it collect a shot every time I move 25 feet horizontally or 1 foot vertically. SurvCE calls this "Auto by Interval" and ToSURV calls it AutoTopo. Is there such a mode on the LS?

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Trajectory. It's great. Also allows you to only collect a point if you move more than x. So that when you stop to look around it doesn't keep clicking away. Also, you can set it to record by time AND by distance so that which ever trips first, a shot is fired.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
To get to this mode press the Point button in the collect screen and you will then see the available options:

screenshot (17).png

screenshot (19).png

John Thompson

Well-Known Member
I collected a trajectory and it has 2130 coordinates, but 0 points. I try to export it and it says No points to export. How do I get the coordinates out of the LS?