Solved GNSS Versioning

Kelly Bellis

ME PLS 2099
Javad New Feeds once in a while sends out various notices. Today's notice indicated that the GNSS firmware has been updated; for example, the last three such notices concerning GNSS firmware:
  • 20170407: GNSS firmware version 3.7.1 has been added.
  • 20170306: GNSS firmware version 3.7.0 has been added.
  • 20161129: GNSS firmware version 3.6.9 has been added.

On the LS, the versioning shown as being current is not 3.7.1; rather, 3.6.9. Why is this?


Eugene Aksyonov

Well-Known Member
I would clarify this more. We do manage firmware for LS separatelly from main development branch because of specific features releated to LS only. Sooner or later we eliminate difference in versioning when our latest RTK engine will be spread among all products.
3.6.9 of LS includes features of 3.7.1 partly so don't consieder LS firmware as obsolete, conversely, in most cases new features are comming with LS first!