How to Invoke Use of [precise] ephemeris?

Kelly Bellis

ME PLS 2099
Just curious why DPOS (SOFTWARE: Justin v.3(10/29/2021 8:07:17 AM)) today (20221023) used the EPHEMERIS: brdc for data processing of data observed
START: 10/7/2022 4:40:30 PM through STOP: 10/7/2022 8:40:15 PM instead of the final IGS precise ephemeris?

Is there anyway for the user to get DPOS to use precise orbital data when we know that it is available?

If it's not possible for the user to request precise orbits at the time of DPOS submissions, how difficult would it be to implement on Javad's end?

So what's the fuss over small improvements afforded by using the precise orbits? The reasons for asking are related to different items associated with making comparisons to OPUS results, shared solutions with their mandatory 4-hour obs sessions, the over due and long awaited M-PAGES software, and for making general comparisons between JAVAD and NGS processing techniques. Having the same orbital data for such comparisons becomes essential for discussion even while its presently impossible to have an apples-to-apples comparison until M-PAGES is released.

For example, note these differences from OPUS


  • OPUS TIDAL 4 STA 10 (PE0239) 2 [precise].pdf
    569.7 KB · Views: 169
  • OPUS TIDAL 4 STA 10 (PE0239) 1 [precise].pdf
    569.7 KB · Views: 173
  • OPUS Solution [Rapid] TIDAL 4 STATION 10 (PE0239) PM.pdf
    567 KB · Views: 165
  • OPUS Solution [Rapid] TIDAL 4 STATION 10 (PE0239) AM.pdf
    570.4 KB · Views: 177
  • DPOS tidal41.pdf
    28.9 KB · Views: 168
  • DPOS tidal42.pdf
    28.9 KB · Views: 173

Alexey Razumovsky

Well-Known Member
DPOS processing server uses data uploaded on DPOS data repository - CORS observations and broadcast ephemeris. We don't plan to upload precise ephemeris.

Kelly Bellis

ME PLS 2099
Are there any present or planned Javad software(s) that are free to Javad customers that can accept orbital data; e.g., Justin Lite?