Just received my test unit

Jason Graves

New Member
I am really impressed with the compactness of the units and how sturdy they seem to be. However, everything is NEW to me. I was a Trimble user for years (when working for others) and last year I bought a GeoMax Zenith 25 (essentially a Leica GS14). So I am very used to a D.C./receiver situation and the way that they work.

I really want to like this unit so please feed me full of knowledge. I live in Louisville, Kentucky and am having trouble getting the unit to get a fixed position with the states VRS network. It is connecting, per the unit and checking my login information on the states page, but it is not fixing or even floating for that matter.

I am about to go out and set it up as a base/rover to see how that works.

Thanks everyone, for your input, and thanks to Javad and his team for a chance to use their equipment!

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
We have a PLS support team member, Matt Sibole, that is very close to you geographically and I'm sure could help you with the VRS connection.

Matt Sibole
Georgetown, Indiana
tel: (812) 399-2483

Regarding the form factor. It is quite unique and the general first impression is that is awkward, as we have all become accustomed to the receiver head and DC combination. It generally only takes a week of use for most surveyors to decide they prefer the box on a stick approach because of the portability. Working through brush is much easier, transporting in a vehicle is much easier, walking distances is much easier, mass topo is much less painful in the back. Unfortunately it's difficult to convey that in words, but is very apparent in use. So, I'm confident that if you will have an open mind to it, as you certainly seem to have, that you will like the configuration.

Regarding base rover setup, I put together an Oscar nominated short film that walks the user through this process which can be found here:

If you have any questions, post them here or contact the PLS support team for assistance.