LS 2 Engine

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
With 2 Engine Multi Constellation setup (standard LS) on State RTN the software appears to choose the same setup for each of the two Engines. I cannot figure out a setting to get a some independence. Any one else having the same issues on an RTN? I currently have System Based Strategy and No same frequency checked. I updated from pre-release .429 to release .428 and then to the latest pre-release today to see if either software edition created different satellyte groupings. No luck on my end.

Steve Hankins

Active Member
With 2 Engine Multi Constellation setup (standard LS) on State RTN the software appears to choose the same setup for each of the two Engines. I cannot figure out a setting to get a some independence. Any one else having the same issues on an RTN? I currently have System Based Strategy and No same frequency checked. I updated from pre-release .429 to release .428 and then to the latest pre-release today to see if either software edition created different satellyte groupings. No luck on my end.
I run the (Standard LS) on the ArDot Rtn,as well as on the UHF setup, J-Field (Pre-Release), and the same setup parameters you mentioned. I have seen what you speak of, but invoking the Auto Setup Engines tab changes the two engines to different configurations. Hope this helps.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
To Steve's comment, Auto Setup Engines refreshes the selection, but it appears that each engine still selects the same configuration. They typically favor GPS and Galileo.

Shawn, The MA RTN sends all 4 constellations, but often the Bedoi shows sats in the screen, but are dark greyed out (unselectable) and do not have the second number (two numbers) in the right hand column of the engine status screen . Ex. (6) versus ( 6 4). I have had locations where Bedoi was selected and used, but rarely. Ever since the version I was running in mid-summer network Bedoi has been rare.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
Shawn, when I switched RTN Mount Point to "Nearest", a Bedoi was picked up. Switching back the network Mount Point, Bedoi was dark greyed out. At initial switch (for 10 seconds) back to the network mountpoint the selections were varied between two engines. After hitting "AUTO RESET" the two engines used the same selections.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
The strange thing is when using, or apparently using the same frequency selections for each engine, both engines do not always fix at the same time.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
I am sending this message to get it back on the list. When using the state RTN (4 constellation) with standard LS, the two engine solution appears to select the same signals in each engine. This has been an ignored issue with the software. This does not help.


Well-Known Member
I really like the 2 engine option when I'm running off of my base. With the rtn I use I've noticed the 6 engine firmware fits a little better. Have you tried it with the 6 engine multi constellation firmware? Might help out, might not.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
I have used the 6 engine with the RTN, but when only getting a couple of the six to fix prefer the concept of the 2 engine. With the 2 engine running off the RTN are you getting different sat combinations in each engine or a the same group of signals in each?


Well-Known Member
I have used the 6 engine with the RTN, but when only getting a couple of the six to fix prefer the concept of the 2 engine. With the 2 engine running off the RTN are you getting different sat combinations in each engine or a the same group of signals in each?
With the two engine rtk firmware on my rtn, the signals can be very similiar between the 2 engines. There is a new "variety of signals" setting that may help you some. When the default of 0.75 is met the white bar that shows the confidence, consistency, time, and var will turn green. I've found this to be a better indicator of signal variety on my rtn than the number of engines fixed.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
What are poor, ok, good, excellent Variety numbers? I find that Javad invests alot in improvements and helpful features, but the average user has no idea that they have been added to the software or if they do see a difference, are not instructed how to use, find or interpret the the feature. A one page email (or say a new features section on the website) giving a notice of the routine and what it is doing would be super helpful to those not in the development loop. Some things we find out through this forum, which is great, but I find I miss a lot of the hard worked on improvements.

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
The variation value I think will be temporary. Eventually it will be a notification that variation is satisfied. For now we're operating with the theory that 0.75 or more is indicative of a reliable fix. So far I have not seen a bad fix get past 0.75.


Well-Known Member
I too have found the default to be reliable. Please post if you experience any bad fixes with over .75 here.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
Adam, 6 Engine solution gets to variability much faster than 2 Engine solution off of State RTN. I switched back and forth between setups and found that first two points collected with 2 Engine solution had variability of "zero". When I switched to other setups and then back it did register some variability, but rarely 0.75. I also found that when using the "nearest" mount point, that Beidou was incorporated, but with the "network" mount point "Beidou" was not included. On the network mount point Beidou is only rarely included in the solution. That could be the State's issue. Obviously when I use the "Nearest" mount point setup the variability is the highest.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the variety of signals setting is doing it's job. If there isn't much variety it shouldn't count up. This is almost never an issue I see with Base Rover. I do see it with the rtn too. It's doing what it's suppose too.