Multi year CORS Solution 2

Duane Frymire

Active Member
So in NY all CORS have been updated to MYCS2 coordinates as of a couple days ago. I'm trying to set up a new project for next week and get the correct transformations. I imagine I'll have to change settings in both T2 base/LS rover, and network rtk modes? I see GEOID18 but not ITRF14 as option.

Following is explanation I received: "Multi-Year CORS Solution 2 (MYCS2) is aligned to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF2014). NGS has also released the new geoid model GEOID18, intended to be the last hybrid geoid model that NGS creates before the current vertical datums are replaced by NAPGD2022."

So, I'm assuming I need a transformation that indicates: "HTDP ITRF2014 to NAD83(2011)/NAVD 88/SPCS83 New York Central Zone" (using GEOID18) epoch 2010 - instead of "HTDP WGS84(ITRF2008) to NAD83(2011)/NAVD 88/SPCS83 New York Central Zone" (using GEOID12b) epoch 2010.

I'm attaching a couple screen shots; any help much appreciated.