pdf export in J-Field 2.0

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
One of the features perhaps overlooked in J-Field 2.0 is the ability to export a pdf file. You can even add your own logo to the export. The pdf file includes basically all of the relevant data for a point, including the screen captures you set to automatically record in your action profile and any photos that were attached to the points.

In the attached pdf, you'll see examples of photos and screen captures as well as the coordinate system definition, the vital statistics for a collected point and the statistics for the base used to collect the points. It's similar to a classical total station raw data file but much more readable.

It's unlikely that you will want to print these files as they run about a page or more per point on average, but it's nice to keep with your archive so that you have it when you need it.

The screen captures are quite nice because a knowledgeable user can see how a point was collected as if standing at the receiver.


  • 2016-05-21 A-160521 Rtk.pdf
    11.1 MB · Views: 284