RAMS will eat your data plan!


Active Member
I know this is common sense, but in the past, I've had enough data to not worry about this, but this month I ate through my 1 GB data plan and when I checked the usage, one single day had 100 times the amount of data used as all the other days. I think DAC helped me figure out that my tech used RAMS for me to check something, then we didn't turn it off and it was sending screen refreshes. Watch it!

Jim Campi

Active Member
When actively accessing your device it uses 6MB/min. Thankfully DAC waived the $450 fee I racked up. To say I was surprised when I received their invoice is an understatement.

John Rosco

I know this is common sense, but in the past, I've had enough data to not worry about this, but this month I ate through my 1 GB data plan and when I checked the usage, one single day had 100 times the amount of data used as all the other days. I think DAC helped me figure out that my tech used RAMS for me to check something, then we didn't turn it off and it was sending screen refreshes. Watch it!
Running some 'base' station 1-second RTK RTCM3 correction data transmission rates (to a 'rover') and measured the following throughput:-
o RTK RTCM3 MSM Short - 2.5 Mbytes/hr
o RTK RTCM3 MSM Full - 2.9 Mbytes/hr
o RTK RTCM3 GPS+GLO+BDS+GAL - 3.5 Mbytes/hr
o RTK RTCM3 3.0 - - 660 Kbytes/hr

James Suttles

Active Member
So this is the bit stream for the correction only, as RAMS should eat more bandwidth correct? Just making sure, as I am experimenting with an Iridium Sat Hotspot, and the Iridium GO has a very limited bit stream, the Iridium GO Exec, has more bandwidth, but maybe over kill for corrections.