Remote Assistance Issue

Kelly Bellis

ME PLS 2099
Today I turned on the Triumph-LS, found that there were updates ready including updates for WindowsCE, JField, GNSS and JTip. I think that's all that was updated. After the updates were installed, I noticed a couple of behaviors which weren't expected.

The screen saver had been reset to 5 minutes from its normal setting that I have of Never.

The primary reason for this report is related to Remote Assistance. The setting had been reset from the normal setting of Custom Server to JAVAD GNSS, INC and the the Server Port had been reset from the normal 8800 to 8888. Changing these settings back to their intended values proved to be a lengthy process as JField became extremely sluggish to the point that it behaved as if the LS had frozen. Allowing it to process over several minutes after a single tap, the desired next screen appeared. This successful approach was done after multiple restarts and even a forced power cycle off procedure that was initially done when I had thought the unit to have been locked up. On another occasion, turning off the LS resulted in looking at the Windows CE desktop from which the unit was then subsequently turned off.

Once the correct Customer server settings had been restored, this issue was not repeated after multiple power cycles.

I hope that this report may serve of some use to the developers and users alike.