Update hung up?

Bruce Dawson

Active Member
So I started the latest updates (did not write down the release, but just noticed it was available) last night about 8pm on my Triumph LS. I did not watch it very closely as I have become accustomed to it being pretty automatic, but did notice a reboot of the system and an "Installing Updates..." notice on the screen. I plugged in the power cable to make sure it didn't loose juice from the battery, went to bed, and woke up this morning with the same screen still showing. 10 hours to install? Or hung up? I don't want to mess anything up, but what do I do now?


Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Hung up. Force power down by holding down power button. You may need to start again. Should only take a few minutes depending on amount of data for backup and connection speed.

Sean Joyce

Well-Known Member
FWIW this has happened to me when I plugged in the power cable after starting the update.
Now for any updates I just plug it into AC.