Cloud Account

Jim Campi

Active Member
Initially I had no issues transferring my point files from my receiver to the cloud account on my pc. I just worked well. About two years ago it was like someone or something sabatoged my file transfer system. After screwing around with the system for 2 years I simply went back to transferring via flash drive.

Today I realized the guys recommended initially that we set up a new drive just for point file transfers. I use dropbox pro, so I set up a free - 2 Gig account, went through the process of adding a new cloud account, configured via customer services portal, created the handshake and added the code to my LS and it works again!!! No more flash drive transfers.

Jim Frame

Well-Known Member
Is there a step-by-step description of setting up a cloud account? I've avoided it because it sounded like a hassle, but it *would* be handy...

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Is there a step-by-step description of setting up a cloud account? I've avoided it because it sounded like a hassle, but it *would* be handy...
It is covered in the Quick Start Guide:

