D-SNR Screen

Jim Campi

Active Member
The colors used on this screen are confusing. If we don't immediately and intuitively understand the interference at a site it can result in wasted time, frustration and a misunderstanding of system reliability. My view is that this is a critical issue.

I agree that what really matters are the values. For those of us that are in the field using the equipment we aren't really inclined toward the negative logarithmic ratio between two values (signal/noise - the higher the noise the smaller the number or the larger the -db shown on this screen).

The way it's set up now:
red: high noise
green: moderate noise
blue: low noise

I think green is go or the highest quality.

If blue and green were swapped (on all screens) it would make this significantly more intuitive.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
I have made similar suggestions in the past. One of the issues is finding colors that display well and are easily readable on the screen. One way to think about the current color scheme is to relate blue to a blue ribbon which symbolizes high quality and think of green as being acceptable.

Jim Campi

Active Member
Hi Matt,

Yes, I remember well the exchange you had with Javad and was thinking about it while writing this post.

I get it now as I reasoned through the theoretical comcept of SNR as I was writing earlier.

One of the reasons I have been so active on this forum is that I really believe that what you guys are doing is going to make a difference for all of us practicing.

In light of that, most of us that are new to GNSS have a significant learning curve when adopting this equipment, especially if we haven't done a lot of surveying. In the US there is a perceptual set associated with the color green. It intuitively means go or high quality with red as stop or poor quality.

I have no problem with it now, however there will be issues with those that are introduced to the equipment.

The boss is running a very successful business and I would never be so arrogant to demand a change. I'm quite sure he understands the issue and will address and prioritize if appropriate.

I simply wanted to add weight to your earlier comments as it seems to be the one area of J-field that isnt intuitive.