Daylight Saving Time

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
The Javad system is a world surveying system. It's core is lat lon.
Then, it uses projections to make little flat spots, all over the world.
Same philosophy seems to cary over to it's time keeping. At it's core, is Greenwich England time. And, you put a time correction, in it, to set local time.
Since this varies all over the world, and how DST works, varies all over, it's just up to us to change the time offsets, every 6 months.
It'd be nice if this were automated... But personally, I want the programing team to keep at the more important things, and i can live with changing the time offsets myself. When they run out of important stuff, then they can automate DST...
I want an edm, bluetoothed to the LS first...
That's my take on it.