DPOS Configuration Settings

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
There are 5 options

1.) Send to Dpos automatically

2.) Process all points with GNSS files


3.) Base Processing Only

4.) Base Processing + Base Shift

5.) Base Processing + CORS Processing + Base Shift

I could use a detailed explanation of these new options.

I did notice that the check box on the right for the first two is square, and the last 3 is round. I'm sure that means something.

(This is a part of the Testing Version) J-field 1.11.93253

Thank you kindly.


Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
DPOS is still under development in this version of J-Field. I would not recommend using it until it is available in the release version. I should have some documentation for it at that time.

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
The server that the new DPOS is using in under development. This is the server that the Testing version is sending files to. The release version is sending to a different server. It should not be experiencing any interruption.

Regarding your question. I'm hesitant to answer because it may be different before the actual release and I don't want to add to the confusion. For now I think it's safe to say this:

Base Processing (BP) processes the vector between the base and the rover. This provides a Relative (REL) position to the base. If an RTK position already exists for this point, you will have two relative positions RTK and BP from which to choose. J-Field will automatically select one (generally the RTK), but the user can override this selection in the Points screen.

Base Processing + Base Shift processes the vector between the base and the rover as described above plus processes the base position with CORS. Along with the process described above, this includes the DPOS positioning in J-Field (VB-RTK) that users have been enjoying for several months, shifting the base to a CORS derived position.

Base Processing + Base Shift + CORS Processing does all of the above and processes the ROVER file with CORS data. Unless the rover observations have a substantial time duration, the solution from rover to CORS will have much less accuracy than Base Shift + BP or RTK. But this will serve as a blunder check for some points and also provide a means of getting a solution on a point in a dire situation (such as the base receiver not recording raw data due to power failure at the base). If you anticipate relying on CORS Processing, which processes the rover to the CORS, you need to make sure that you have enough time on the point to successfully process those vectors. Because the CORS network station density varies across the country, it is difficult to give a minimal amount of time that works in every location. In my area, this observation time would need to be a minimum of 10 minutes.

The names of each of these selections may change between now and release and the details of how automatic selections are made and the exact method for the base data and the CORS data to cooperate during CORS Processing is still being determined. The processor works, the Upload of data and Download of results works, the integration of selecting RTK or BP works. It's very close to release.