DPOS Waits on "1" code

Jim Campi

Active Member

The following problem has come up several times:

The DPOS displays a "1" adjacent to the file name on the LS's DPOS page, a current status of "wait" with a message that the system is determining "base file presence". When I see this it typically indicates there was a problem downloading the base file data to the rover.

My typical process is to connect the LS and T2 and download the base file. Generally this solves the problem. Today it didn't.

I deleted the file from the DPOS page on the LS, connected the LS and T2, downloaded the base file, went back to the DPOS page on the LS and the file is not in the list.

I have 2 questions:

1. Any thoughts on recovering this file? I downloaded the unprocessed point file to my PC before deleting above.

2. Since I am not seeing other complaints about this, there must be a problem with my process. I survey and download the point file (T2 to LS), disconnect and powerdown the LS, T2 and radio. Should I add to or modify this procedure to avoid this problem.

This comes up about every 5th project. Any thoughts or comments are welcome and appreciated.

Jim Campi

Active Member
I collected additional points in the same file and sent to DPOS. The result was a point file with adjustments to the second session. I now have a single point file with only the second session adjusted. Is it possible to undue the adjustment?

Both log files and the the table on the DPOS page are blank. If I knew the x,y and u adjustment I could manually modify in Excel. I only have horizontal and vertical adjustment.

I just found the the x, y and u adjustment in the point page. I can adjust manually if necessary.
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