Brand new user here. What happens if you start base with known (opus) coordinates and collect points, then download and stop base and then upload to DPOS? Did it over-correct my points? Did it move my already correct points? Was I suppose to do that? Hopefully this is not a stupid question, but like I said I'm new to the LS and also new to RTK surveying.


Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
It is not a stupid question.
It will show a Very small shift.
The way it handles this now, after dpos, with base shift, (it just got changed) I think is to is go to points screen, find your base point, then that yellowish box in the upper middle right. That's where you choose to hold the rtk, or ppk, or other source to hold. Select it there. I'm not looking at mine right now, but that's the idea.

Don't be afraid to dpos it. It's part of the data flow. It lets you catch blunders, in data entry.

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Brand new user here. What happens if you start base with known (opus) coordinates and collect points, then download and stop base and then upload to DPOS? Did it over-correct my points? Did it move my already correct points? Was I suppose to do that? Hopefully this is not a stupid question, but like I said I'm new to the LS and also new to RTK surveying.


Not a stupid question at all. Yes, we do automatically shift the base to the DPOS solved coordinates, but it can be undone as Nate describes. Next time we do a training we'll look at that.

Michael Stazhkov

What happens if you start base with known (opus) coordinates and collect points, then download and stop base and then upload to DPOS? Did it over-correct my points? Did it move my already correct points?
For a known base DPOS will not automatically shift all your points, it only creates additional solutions (coordinates) which you can select manually.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Garrett, think of each base session, which has it's own point name (or number) as you decide, and all the shots taken from that base, as a SINGLE entity.
This is important. Because, it allows the user to do what he needs to do.
What is the proper way to PP a point when you lose radio signal? Mostly I collected centerline data, but I did collect one iron pin. All were out of range from the radio and I collected for about 80 seconds.
