HI in different Groups

James Suttles

Active Member
Is there a way to make the HI universal so if you change groups, say from RTN to TCP Base, that the HI stays the same. Currently, if you change from RTN to TCP Base, the HI will be whatever it was the last time you used that group.

Example, we use an LS as a base. We will login into the RTN, collect an initial base point, and then switch to TCP Base, and in that screen the base point is what was used last time for the TCP Base, not the HI of the point that was just collected in RTN. We used 2m tripods and that works to negate the issue, but they 2m tripods use a prism pole bubble, and thus comes the whole adjustment of prism pole bubbles and the amount of jarring they receive in the vehicle. So we get better results from a standard tripod and Tribrach setup, so our HI's are constantly changing from one group to the next.

We have even ran 2 bubbles on the 2M tripods, and we find that those bubbles are not easily kept in adjustment, just because of the way they are mounted on the pole.

The reason for this request, is that it just so happened we forgot to be sure the HI on the RTN, got transferred to the TCP base, once we changed groups. We fixed it, but I fear that one day will not catch the change if the HI could cross groups, that would fix the issue.

If there is not a way to make this happen, we will just have to be more vigilant in the future.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a valid request and I have no objection to it. A busted HI or HR can be very expensive. On the other hand, the operator should always look at the hr or hi. Its good practice to stake out your base after starting it too.

James Suttles

Active Member
We normally double check this, but you know what happens when you are in a hurry, the client is talking in your ear, dealing with traffic, etc.

We were able to use recover base point, edit the HI, on the recovered base point, which adjusted all the shots taken with the rover. There is a work around, if you get stuck in that situation, just not sure it will be caught very easy. We caught it, because when we tied into another point that had a definitely good elevation, when compared there was a significant difference. After checking the difference, it matched the vertical difference between the last HI recorded on the RTN, and the last recorded HI on the TCP base from the previous project.

As mentioned, just be vigilant, knowing that the HI in one group, will most likely NOT be the same if you change groups.