JAVAD LS + Staking Issue

Dennis M

Hi everyone. I’m having an issue staking points using the guide. It used to give me ahead, Lt, and Rt based on the direction I was facing with the GPS. It would also show me the point and direction to the point. Now it’s all over the place. Left will be right, back will be ahead. Every time I move it changes and makes staking points a nightmare. I’ve ended up staking lines, just so I can traverse to the point. My gps says all software is up to date. Any ideas? Is there a setting or calibration that I need to change or do?



Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Time to calibrate your LS COMPASS. Main screen B. (Hit the BUTTON with the house on it, and it TOGGLES Main Screen A, and Main Screen B)
So, main screen B.
Then, over on the east side of the screen, in the middle, is calibrate. Hit that.
Then, from there, hit the COMPASS button, and follow the instructions.
Got it?
PS, while you are there, calibrate the LEVEL, and LEVEL offset.
I am not sure why, it likes it, but I think it has something to do with the way the LS reads when you are carrying it, and it is not sitting upright. (So it reads out the directions more close to actual, while carrying it, sideways)
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Dennis M

Got it taken care of. Hadn’t been done since 2021. I’m guessing it was way overdue. Didn’t know where the calibration was located. Thanks again for your help Nate. I’m guessing this will take care of the problem. I’ll find out tomorrow.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Well, you can test it in your yard. Just turn it on, and stand in one place, and slowly rotate 360°, and see that it Points correctly for cardinal directions, and moves incrementally properly as you rotate. (That is the compass in top center of the LS)
And, for what it is worth, the Left, Right, forward, back, depends on the compass.
BUT CTT and DTT, (Course to Target, and Distance to Target) should operate INDEPENDENT of the compass. This is NEEDED when working near lots of metal, or local attraction. Setting a corner by the bulldozer or such.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member