JField Parallel line AREA calculation method

JFIELD USERS: (My setup: LS+ and T3)

I finished a job a couple of days ago and had to get "close enough" to a pre-determined area. I had trouble understanding and following the logic in the JField parallel line method software.
I had four fixed points and needed to slide a line to get a pre-determined area. I calculated my area from the four points and then obtained the area needed for my final acreage. I wanted to slide a line away from the center of the polygon to increase the area to obtain my required area.

My computer CAD program easily does this when I specify P1 and P2, then specify a direction from P1 and P2. Then it allows me to specify the direction of the line needed. No problem.

The problem I ran into with JField is that this method is difficult to work with and understand. I did manage to input my four points, and then get my first and second nodal points selected so that the parallel line would be defined, but I was unable to specify a negative area to "add" to the four-point area to increase the size of the parcel to the required area. The software input would not allow a negative area, even when using the recall memory function of the calculator with a negative number, it would drop the negative sign and would upload as a positive number. The HELP menu says I can CUT or ADD an area, but the COGO function only allows a KEEP or CUT, either in square units or a percent. When I used the KEEP function using a positive area, a polygon was created that contained the area to be added going toward the center of the polygon, which was the wrong direction; I needed it added to my polygon. I tried the CUT function but got the same results - wrong direction. I could not figure out how to make the software ADD the needed area to my existing polygon.

I solved my problem by trial and error. I calculated the distance between my C1 and C2 points, and then got my distance to move a parallel line away to new points C3 and C4. I re-calculated the area and got another needed area, then utilized the distance between C3 and C4 to get my parallel line offset for yet another new polygon. This time, I got a few thousandths of an acre different than what I needed, and another iteration of moving a 420-foot line a distance of a few hundredths of a foot would have been pointless. I called it good enough and set the corners on my new C3 and C4 points and then measured the final coordinates.

A work-around that I could have utilized in hindsight would be to COGO in a polygon that would be larger than the area needed, and then use the parallel line method to cut the unneeded area out.

I am looking for input from other users regarding how they work with pre-determined areas. I would appreciate input and comments from users.
Here is a thumbnail of what I was working on.


ken larson

Active Member
Never tried doing that on the LS, but in the office my CAD software makes me start with over what I need and trim it

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
I just tried to recreate your example and use the Parallel area function in J-Field. It works for what you are trying to do and seems relatively straight forward to me. Here are the screenshots showing what I did.


Note that bottom row can be toggled between different setting by tapping on it.



Note that the keep area is specified in sqft but you can use "Change Units" to input acres.



OK. Your example demonstrates my hindsight idea by creating a polygon that removes the overage area and leaves the desired area while holding a parallel line. Good to know this works. Thank you.