Just an observation:

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Sometimes, when I'm in a semi challenging environment, instead of pressing u1 (resets rtk) I can simple wave my hand over the top, of the LS, and it will immediately begin clicking.
Even reaching for it, (towards the screen), will occasionally have this effect.
It's like as though it interrupts the electrical environment.... And kicks it over...
Anyone else noticed this?

Darren Clemons

Well-Known Member
I've actually seen that several times Nate....thought it was just coincidence. It'll sit there doing nothing for several minutes and as I move my finger towards the screen to hit something......click, click....anyone know any rational reason why it would do this?

Phillip Lancaster

Active Member
When I'm really needing to leave the job site. For some reason the LS decides to get hung up on a point. Like its always that next to last or last shot of the day. Statistically speaking. Ready for Lunch? Hang on. One more shot........Nope. I'm going to try the Nate wave technique next time.