Richard Sunden
New Member
Hello and Thanks in Advance,
I 'm using a Triumph-LS. And I have a niggling little problem with bringing points into the localization page. I have not used the system for about two years. So the last big update is throwing me challenges. So, as long as I'm typing this up, I think any criticism of my procedure would be welcomed as well. And that's why I added so much of my procedure.
But first, I must say, I love the localization system. It's easy to use. The results are displayed clearly, so I know how good it is. Changing questionable pairings to check only is wonderful. Setting the scale to 0.00, after checking results is easy. As we say where I live "It's da kine".
OK, my problem is not understanding how to populate the points list when hitting the green +. I was in localize with the design and survey coordinate systems selected. I tap green + and then tapping multiple points didn't give me a list of points to choose from.
I have a page with an unknown coordinate sys that I import my csv list of points. These are in arbitrary non-geodetic coords. With first point at 5000, 10000, 0.00, or something similar. Most points are from building out the subdivision in cad. Once in awhile I have points previously measured with a total station. These have very rough approximate elevation. This is on the design side.
(On this project the RTK measurements were matching total station measurements right around 0.04 FT. Staking out points, previously measured with a total station, was great.)
I have a page that is in a geodetic state plane cord sys. This has my just measured with GNSS points. These are, of course, on the surveyed side.
During the this project, I was able to populate the lists on each side by doing this: I went to the collect screen and changed the page to the one the design points were imported into. Then went back to localize and some how, I don't remember what I tapped, got the design points into the list.
Then for the survey side: I went to collect screen again and changed the page to the state plane coordinate page that the surveyed points were measured on. Then went back to localize and some how , I don't remember what I tapped, got the surveyed points into the list.
Can some please, describe the proper procedure to populate the design and surveyed lists?
Thanks, Richard
I 'm using a Triumph-LS. And I have a niggling little problem with bringing points into the localization page. I have not used the system for about two years. So the last big update is throwing me challenges. So, as long as I'm typing this up, I think any criticism of my procedure would be welcomed as well. And that's why I added so much of my procedure.
But first, I must say, I love the localization system. It's easy to use. The results are displayed clearly, so I know how good it is. Changing questionable pairings to check only is wonderful. Setting the scale to 0.00, after checking results is easy. As we say where I live "It's da kine".
OK, my problem is not understanding how to populate the points list when hitting the green +. I was in localize with the design and survey coordinate systems selected. I tap green + and then tapping multiple points didn't give me a list of points to choose from.
I have a page with an unknown coordinate sys that I import my csv list of points. These are in arbitrary non-geodetic coords. With first point at 5000, 10000, 0.00, or something similar. Most points are from building out the subdivision in cad. Once in awhile I have points previously measured with a total station. These have very rough approximate elevation. This is on the design side.
(On this project the RTK measurements were matching total station measurements right around 0.04 FT. Staking out points, previously measured with a total station, was great.)
I have a page that is in a geodetic state plane cord sys. This has my just measured with GNSS points. These are, of course, on the surveyed side.
During the this project, I was able to populate the lists on each side by doing this: I went to the collect screen and changed the page to the one the design points were imported into. Then went back to localize and some how, I don't remember what I tapped, got the design points into the list.
Then for the survey side: I went to collect screen again and changed the page to the state plane coordinate page that the surveyed points were measured on. Then went back to localize and some how , I don't remember what I tapped, got the surveyed points into the list.
Can some please, describe the proper procedure to populate the design and surveyed lists?
Thanks, Richard