Eugene Aksyonov
Well-Known Member
Dear Customers,
We have moved development of JField from WindowsCE to Linux OS. Therefore any new features will be released under Linux OS based JField only. We do believe we can provide better quality and performance for Tiumph-LS solutions. We have prepared the Migration Procedure in the manner to make this process as simple as it could be.
This thread is created in support of migration process and should answers on all related questions before starting, while or after completing the Migration Procedure. Please read instruction on Migration Screen in Home / System / Migrate to Linux OS since JField release
Please be aware that migration to Linux OS is not available for Victor-LS yet, but we have it on the list.
Some customers have incompatible USB sticks. We can't name the vendors, but be sure to use proven USB media to avoid any problems. We did all that could be done to avoid vendor dependancy but can't guaranty due to large market of USB sticks.
WiFi is Off: by default it is off on Linux implementation. Please turn it manually.
Project Maps path: path to background map is wrong in project and points to WinCE file system. Linux has it in different way to name devices. Please reassign the map in your project. Path to BackgroudMaps are: SD card: jdata/BackgroundMaps/. USB drive: jdata/BackgroundMaps/.
Known Issues:
Black Screen and booting... (fixed on Jul25 in WinCE release Happens when user gets into the Migration screen and insert USB stick beeing on this screen.
Solution: insert USB stick into USB port before switching to Migration Screen. Then run Migrate.
Loop booting while migration(fixed on Jul 25): Please be sure that your SD card inserted into LS SD slot has no Active flag on its partition. You can check it on PC with help of "Disk Management" - it shows a word "Active" on the partition's bar. You can reset it with built-in "diskpart.exe" tool ran in cmd.exe (As Administrator mode). You should call "inactive" when you select SD related partition for applying.
We have moved development of JField from WindowsCE to Linux OS. Therefore any new features will be released under Linux OS based JField only. We do believe we can provide better quality and performance for Tiumph-LS solutions. We have prepared the Migration Procedure in the manner to make this process as simple as it could be.
This thread is created in support of migration process and should answers on all related questions before starting, while or after completing the Migration Procedure. Please read instruction on Migration Screen in Home / System / Migrate to Linux OS since JField release
Please be aware that migration to Linux OS is not available for Victor-LS yet, but we have it on the list.
Some customers have incompatible USB sticks. We can't name the vendors, but be sure to use proven USB media to avoid any problems. We did all that could be done to avoid vendor dependancy but can't guaranty due to large market of USB sticks.
WiFi is Off: by default it is off on Linux implementation. Please turn it manually.
Project Maps path: path to background map is wrong in project and points to WinCE file system. Linux has it in different way to name devices. Please reassign the map in your project. Path to BackgroudMaps are: SD card: jdata/BackgroundMaps/. USB drive: jdata/BackgroundMaps/.
Known Issues:
Black Screen and booting... (fixed on Jul25 in WinCE release Happens when user gets into the Migration screen and insert USB stick beeing on this screen.
Solution: insert USB stick into USB port before switching to Migration Screen. Then run Migrate.
Loop booting while migration(fixed on Jul 25): Please be sure that your SD card inserted into LS SD slot has no Active flag on its partition. You can check it on PC with help of "Disk Management" - it shows a word "Active" on the partition's bar. You can reset it with built-in "diskpart.exe" tool ran in cmd.exe (As Administrator mode). You should call "inactive" when you select SD related partition for applying.
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