Nate's Wish List, for the direction for the Javad Co.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
1.) Make the Cellular Corrections work right. I have paid for cellular corrections through some company. It barely worked. I gave it up. Lost money and time.
Come up with a corrections method, that WORKS 100%.
So, my item one is corrections need to be fast, full, and trouble free.
2.) Keep updating the LS, and it's cogo, and such. Make it into a MORE advance system. As is, the COGO is clunky.
3.) MAKE a program for the PC, that allows the OFFICE PC to emulate the LS. So that you can DPOS from the PC, and you can do MANY things without the actual LS in hand. Maybe the field crew needs the LS, while the office guy is busy. Solving WHICH version of the coordinate is correct.
4.) Communicate with your user base. Tell us what is going on with the company. Tell us what you are doing. Keep us in the loop. Don't hide from us. Keep things going. Since Dr. Javad passed, the company has not kept us in the loop. Who owns the company. Who is spearheading new development? Is MM level GPS in the dark woods coming? Trimble and company has said that they will buy Javad out, when he fails. (I dread that!)
5.) Please hire a "Director of communications" for the company. Who is writing code, software? What is the pilots name? The co-pilot? Where are we going, and what's our ETA? (Estimated Time of Arrival). Hire somebody that IS a surveyor, and understands what we want, and can serve as a "Go Between".
Have you even seen how an engineer writes down a magnetic bearing? Looks like this:
N 01°14'38.9285999999999999" E

The surveyor would just put N 01°15' E

or N 15-1/4° E.

Keep up the good work. Keep us in the loop. Don't give an inch to Trimble!!

To quote an old friend, "You've come a long way, baby!".

And, I add, Yeah, let's go the rest of the way!!

Happy 2025!!

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Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Make the Cellular Corrections work right. I have paid for cellular corrections through some company. It barely worked. I gave it up. Lost money and time
I suspect you were probably working in areas where the cellular service is the poor and this is the reason it did not work for you. The solution to this will be Starlink Direct to Cell data service. It is expected to be available this year.

Communicate with your user base. Tell us what is going on with the company.
Check out the Javad News Page, it answers some of your questions.

JAVAD Appoints Simon Baksh Head of Product Development

JAVAD GNSS Opens EU Office to Further Accelerate its Market Expansion

Kentucky Governor Announces JAVAD GNSS Opens New Engineering Office in Fort Wright

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
After working with cell for a while, (It just kept dropping connection) I gave up. I can talk all day long all over where it did not work. I suspect it is just NOT a mature product, IN THIS PARTICULAR AREA. IE cell service has various settings... and my local cell had an anomaly.


Good morning and happy new year to all, I too have always had problems with the ls+ modem in areas where the cellular service is excellent and I have to use my phone as a hotspot. I also changed several sims from different telephone operators and the result was always the same: it was able to connect to the internet 1 time out of 7/8 attempts. No one was able to explain to me why.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Good morning and happy new year to all, I too have always had problems with the ls+ modem in areas where the cellular service is excellent and I have to use my phone as a hotspot. I also changed several sims from different telephone operators and the result was always the same: it was able to connect to the internet 1 time out of 7/8 attempts. No one was able to explain to me why.
Do you still have or use the cellular modem? Who tried to help you with this in the past? I didn't see any messages about this on the forums when I searched. When you say it would not connect to the internet, do you mean that the SIM card would not connect to the network or that you could not connect to the correction stream from the base?

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Happy New Year. It's good to see you post.

I cannot comment on most of your items, but I have to say that I am pleased with my cellular based corrections. In places with poor cellular signals, I do have issues from time to time, but in most of my work areas, I have really good connection to the base. It seems much better to me than UHF. I seldom use UHF anymore. Only when the cellular availability is nil. My cellular antennas are about worn out, so I have ordered some from Amazon, which should arrive today. A two-pack was $7 and they are 10db gain. I'm hoping that will improve my connection even more in marginal areas.

Matt's mention of Starlink will be a very interesting development to watch. I plan to always keep a UHF connection available just in case there is some technical issue with cellular or satellite communications, but I suspect Starlink will change how we get those corrections sent in a major way.

God bless you in this New Year!



Matt, for the modem problem, I reported it on several past posts (if you do a search with my username you can still find them type: and I reported it without responses to the "" service: (Hello, I am continually having this problem with GSM, with my Ls+, the internet access required to receive Ntrip fixes works once and four times.
I have a 4G card, Tim operator, I also tried the same problems with Vodafone card. These cards inserted in my other devices (phone, tablet and gps odin Unistrong PDA) work correctly. I don't understand why in my Ls no, I tried to insert it in the normal Ls that Instrumentation, your dealer, has lent me and also in this it has the same problems. I ask you how you can solve them. I attach video where you see it works and after reboot it doesn't. What I don't understand is why it works sometimes and sometimes not with the same parameters entered.
Another question: I tried to connect to the jcors service today, but I couldn't, is it my problem or is the service no longer active?
Thanks Giulio )
What I can't understand is why sometimes the modem, I'll start by saying where there are no telephone problems, connects to the internet (1 out of 8) and 7 other times it doesn't, I would understand more if it never connected.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Matt, for the modem problem, I reported it on several past posts (if you do a search with my username you can still find them type: and I reported it without responses to the "" service: (Hello, I am continually having this problem with GSM, with my Ls+, the internet access required to receive Ntrip fixes works once and four times.
I have a 4G card, Tim operator, I also tried the same problems with Vodafone card. These cards inserted in my other devices (phone, tablet and gps odin Unistrong PDA) work correctly. I don't understand why in my Ls no, I tried to insert it in the normal Ls that Instrumentation, your dealer, has lent me and also in this it has the same problems. I ask you how you can solve them. I attach video where you see it works and after reboot it doesn't. What I don't understand is why it works sometimes and sometimes not with the same parameters entered.
Another question: I tried to connect to the jcors service today, but I couldn't, is it my problem or is the service no longer active?
Thanks Giulio )
What I can't understand is why sometimes the modem, I'll start by saying where there are no telephone problems, connects to the internet (1 out of 8) and 7 other times it doesn't, I would understand more if it never connected.
Have you tried changing the Network Mode to "LTE Only"? Try that if you haven't tried it yet.

Mark Wheeler

Active Member
Shawn, I saw a set of 10 db gain antennas on Amazon, but it said they wer 19 cm long. Did you order shorter antennas (5-6 cm). If so could you provide the site or name?

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
I just got them in. They are probably 19cm long. It sticks above the top of the receiver by about an inch. I just put one on my LS Plus. I put my OEM antenna on first and noted the signal strength at my desk was -80dbm. I then put the new 10db antenna, rebooting the cellular modem, and noted the signal strength was -85dbm, which is weaker than the OEM antenna signal. The construction of the 10db antenna seems pretty rugged. It's bigger, which will probably be more likely to tangle in the brush. And at first glance, it doesn't seem to provide quite as good signal reception, but I was living on borrowed time with the old ones. The orange plastic housing was cracked on all three that I have. I should at least still be able to function.


I tried Matt's suggestion, (LTE only) but nothing changed, sometimes the gateway data appears and not the DNS data, sometimes the opposite, sometimes neither one nor the other and sometimes everything works and connects, this without changing any settings and staying in the same place, but simply by turning it off and on again.

Phillip Lancaster

Active Member
I tried Matt's suggestion, (LTE only) but nothing changed, sometimes the gateway data appears and not the DNS data, sometimes the opposite, sometimes neither one nor the other and sometimes everything works and connects, this without changing any settings and staying in the same place, but simply by turning it off and on again.View attachment 13476
can you email me those pictures? p l s 1 4 4 9 (no spaces of course)


Active Member
I just got them in. They are probably 19cm long. It sticks above the top of the receiver by about an inch. I just put one on my LS Plus. I put my OEM antenna on first and noted the signal strength at my desk was -80dbm. I then put the new 10db antenna, rebooting the cellular modem, and noted the signal strength was -85dbm, which is weaker than the OEM antenna signal. The construction of the 10db antenna seems pretty rugged. It's bigger, which will probably be more likely to tangle in the brush. And at first glance, it doesn't seem to provide quite as good signal reception, but I was living on borrowed time with the old ones. The orange plastic housing was cracked on all three that I have. I should at least still be able to function.
Just be careful with the longer antennas. I've had 3 trips to the shop for repair when the antennas snag on things and break the connector in the unit. I like the small antennas better, but MY GOODNESS the price from Javad is just unreasonable. I couldn't find a stubby one.


Active Member
1.) Make the Cellular Corrections work right. I have paid for cellular corrections through some company. It barely worked. I gave it up. Lost money and time.
Come up with a corrections method, that WORKS 100%.
So, my item one is corrections need to be fast, full, and trouble free.
2.) Keep updating the LS, and it's cogo, and such. Make it into a MORE advance system. As is, the COGO is clunky.
3.) MAKE a program for the PC, that allows the OFFICE PC to emulate the LS. So that you can DPOS from the PC, and you can do MANY things without the actual LS in hand. Maybe the field crew needs the LS, while the office guy is busy. Solving WHICH version of the coordinate is correct.
4.) Communicate with your user base. Tell us what is going on with the company. Tell us what you are doing. Keep us in the loop. Don't hide from us. Keep things going. Since Dr. Javad passed, the company has not kept us in the loop. Who owns the company. Who is spearheading new development? Is MM level GPS in the dark woods coming? Trimble and company has said that they will buy Javad out, when he fails. (I dread that!)
5.) Please hire a "Director of communications" for the company. Who is writing code, software? What is the pilots name? The co-pilot? Where are we going, and what's our ETA? (Estimated Time of Arrival). Hire somebody that IS a surveyor, and understands what we want, and can serve as a "Go Between".
Have you even seen how an engineer writes down a magnetic bearing? Looks like this:
N 01°14'38.9285999999999999" E

The surveyor would just put N 01°15' E

or N 15-1/4° E.

Keep up the good work. Keep us in the loop. Don't give an inch to Trimble!!

To quote an old friend, "You've come a long way, baby!".

And, I add, Yeah, let's go the rest of the way!!

Happy 2025!!

1. My cellular corrections are okay.
2. I do my complicated cogo on the laptop.
3. Yes, please.
4. I feel the company is moving toward commercial aerospace products and us surveyors are pretty much irrelevant to their profits. All their news points to this They could sell to anyone if all they provide is products to the end user.
5. I don't feel the surveyors who have been or are on staff there enjoy the company or the work any longer. It's been a LONG time since I've gotten a call from any of the sales guys who were enthusiastic about a new feature or new product release. I don't know if a PLS would want to have the responsibility of making them look better than they may be. I do not know all the goings on at Javad, so this is only from my point of view, but it does FEEL this way to me. I would love to be corrected with a deluge of attention from Javad & Co. to us surveyors... but I admit that we are not the most patient group. I have had good experiences with the sales guys as well as support. I wish they would ask themselves WWJD. What Would (Dr.) Javad Do?

Good post, @Nate The Surveyor

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Just be careful with the longer antennas. I've had 3 trips to the shop for repair when the antennas snag on things and break the connector in the unit. I like the small antennas better, but MY GOODNESS the price from Javad is just unreasonable. I couldn't find a stubby one.
You make a good point, Jason. The other part is that the antennas are robust, which on the surface seems like a good thing, but if the unit falls and lands on the antenna, the shock will go through the robust antenna and pass right on to the connector, which, like you say, is likely to require a trip to the factory.

John Rosco

You make a good point, Jason. The other part is that the antennas are robust, which on the surface seems like a good thing, but if the unit falls and lands on the antenna, the shock will go through the robust antenna and pass right on to the connector, which, like you say, is likely to require a trip to the factory.
May I suggest looking at the legacy 'Triumph-LS custom mods' post

Daniel Coleman

New Member
Happy New Year. It's good to see you post.

I cannot comment on most of your items, but I have to say that I am pleased with my cellular based corrections. In places with poor cellular signals, I do have issues from time to time, but in most of my work areas, I have really good connection to the base. It seems much better to me than UHF. I seldom use UHF anymore. Only when the cellular availability is nil. My cellular antennas are about worn out, so I have ordered some from Amazon, which should arrive today. A two-pack was $7 and they are 10db gain. I'm hoping that will improve my connection even more in marginal areas.

Matt's mention of Starlink will be a very interesting development to watch. I plan to always keep a UHF connection available just in case there is some technical issue with cellular or satellite communications, but I suspect Starlink will change how we get those corrections sent in a major way.

God bless you in this New Year!

Shawn, I hope all is well. Reach out some time! I would like to catch up.

Daniel Coleman


New Member
Overall the cell service abilities work pretty good on the Javad LS-Plus rover, but I have noticed a few areas in which the LS-Plus will report no signal, but my cell phone works, so I just tether the LS-Plus over wifi-tethering to my phone and I can keep getting RTK corrections and surveying.

Really the cell service provider is important. The big 3 are Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. I've had the most luck with Verizon getting the best signal in most of the places we work. If you are having bad cell service with your javad gps rover, you might consider using cell phone tethering over wifi to the rover instead of the built in hardware, and also changing sim cards to different providers to find what works best in your area.

The starlink direct to cell service sounds interesting, but it also sounds like there would be disruptions in the signal due to tree canopy, same issue with gps navigation. You might still have issues in heavy woods, but it sounds promising.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
The starlink direct to cell service sounds interesting, but it also sounds like there would be disruptions in the signal due to tree canopy, same issue with gps navigation. You might still have issues in heavy woods, but it sounds promising.
It is reported to working under tree canopy and indoors.

“Among other results, the satellites have been able to communicate with multiple models of unmodified Samsung, Apple, and Google devices using (T-Mobile’s) PCS G Block spectrum, including in urban and rural areas, indoors and outdoors, and in clear sky and under tree cover,” the company says.