Pause and Resume in Collect


Active Member
Okay here is what I am talking about. I start collect. It meets my presets. (Variety 1.3, Rtpk has enough fixes 1 or 2, etc.) Accept and Reject shows up and it starts another RTPK starts processing. Usually no problem, but sometimes "No RTPK solutions for this Vector" shows up. I would like it run to some more to get a RTPK solution and then store. There seems to be no option to Resume or process the RTPK again. I hate to but usually end up hitting Reject and start again (time consuming) or try to watch the screen and catch before it starts that last processing. Any ideas out there. Mike


Active Member
Okay here is what I am talking about. I start collect. It meets my presets. (Variety 1.3, Rtpk has enough fixes 1 or 2, etc.) Accept and Reject shows up and it starts another RTPK starts processing. Usually no problem, but sometimes "No RTPK solutions for this Vector" shows up. I would like it run to some more to get a RTPK solution and then store. There seems to be no option to Resume or process the RTPK again. I hate to but usually end up hitting Reject and start again (time consuming) or try to watch the screen and catch before it starts that last processing. Any ideas out there. Mike
Sounds like you may have a setting to stop the shot at some interval that forces RTPK to process only a few seconds of data. If I set my shot to stop, I stop the time interval on the same RTPK process interval (1 or 2 min). To stop it all together set the shot to stop with Stop Button.

Wes Hand

Active Member
Michael...if you have a rtk shot that meets variety and you already have a rtpk fix in agreement and then it stops the shot based on whatever presets you have go ahead and hit accept while the rtpk is processing. It will store the previous rtpk solution that was displayed as being in agreement with the rtk fix. I have encountered what you have already had 1 or 2 rtpk fixes and they agreed with rtk and then I waited and watched it process only to show no solution.
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Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Wes is right.
RTPK iteration 1 good.
RTPK iteration 2 bad
RTPK iteration 3 bad
RTPK iteration 4 good, and it finally has the agreement it needs. So, it stops.

In these circumstances, if I can see that iteration 1 is good, and the only thing preventing it from stopping, and calling GOOD! Is RTPK, I'll manually stop it, and store it. If it's an important shot, maybe I'll do it again. And use average to get the average.

Shawn Billings - Javad

Active Member
I see this as well. After getting the accept reject prompt, RTPK will start processing the final data and on occasion will go to "No Solution". Ugh.

I will store the point, then go to Points, highlight the point I just stored, click on the resource button on the top left (three green bars), use the arrow button on the pop-up to Post Process Selected Point. I process the point and it almost always agrees with RTK. I think this way processes all of the data as one observation instead of dividing it up into sections. It should stop processing at the accept/reject. Perhaps there is a setting I am also missing for this.


Active Member
Shawn, if the accept/reject has met all my criteria and presents itself for my review why in the world would it say let check this one more time? I mean variety, RTPK in tolerance, etc. and I have to stand and stare at the screen to catch it before it stars RTPK again. I know it only happens every once in a while, but doesn't make sense. If that is the case let me have a resume button that continue the session with same data or RTPK again. Also should I uncheck RTPK/RTK should agree? Mike
As a post script I am using my old Boundary Profile and not the new Open and Canopy profiles in Release 4.0 that I downloaded and am using. I do like the new interface.

Shawn Billings - Javad

Active Member
I'm not saying it should be this way, only that it appears to be this way.

You should definitely give the new profiles a try. They work for almost all circumstances.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
What I think is happening is:
RTPK iteration 1 is good.
But, other rtk qualifications are not yet met.
Then, while waiting for rtk to get good, then RTPK just keeps running, and with iteration 2 being in non agreement with iteration 1, rtk being done, and good, rtk is now waiting for RTPK.
Personally, I'd like it to show each iteration of RTPK, so I could pick one.
Shawn, maybe a 3rd option could be added to: "RTPK/RTK must agree,"
As it is, we have:
1.) "RTPK/RTK must agree," (unchecked)
2.) "RTPK/RTK must agree," (checked)
3.) And, the 3rd option 1 iteration of RTPK must agree". This would allow it to finish, with only one iteration of RTPK.
Just thinking.....

Wes Hand

Active Member
Shawn....thanks for sharing the info about processing a single point. I had a point where one of the columns was red and the vertical was 0.28' from the rtk. I processed that point as you described, and it processed to within 0.05' vertical which got me scratching my head wondering if I should process all the points at the end of the day. When I have rtpk set to have 2 in agreement which really means I have 3 rtpk fixes which one of those 3 fixes is the one stored. Is the last one if I allow the point to go through the whole process. If I stored the point when fix (1) is displayed does that mean the 2nd rtpk value is the one stored??


Active Member
Shawn....thanks for sharing the info about processing a single point. I had a point where one of the columns was red and the vertical was 0.28' from the rtk. I processed that point as you described, and it processed to within 0.05' vertical which got me scratching my head wondering if I should process all the points at the end of the day. When I have rtpk set to have 2 in agreement which really means I have 3 rtpk fixes which one of those 3 fixes is the one stored. Is the last one if I allow the point to go through the whole process. If I stored the point when fix (1) is displayed does that mean the 2nd rtpk value is the one stored??
Thats great to hear. I will definitely be trying this in the future. I’d be curious to know what kind of results you seeing going forward. Shawn gave us a nice tool for the arsenal.

Wes Hand

Active Member

You asked in an earlier post should you turn off rtpk rtk must agree. I operate with mine turned off most of the time but I do have my action profile set up to meet variety of 1.3 and my rtpk agreement set to (2) which means I’m actually getting 3 rtpk fixes that jive with each other. I have auto accept and auto restart checked for my canopy profile. So I can walk off from my LS knowing that it will auto store and start if either of those criteria are met. I personally don’t want one holding the other up. I push my unit in some bad stuff like most users do and if i get 3 rtpk fixes and it stores I don’t care that rtk never got there. Very next shot rtk might be the winner and it auto stores. I often have mixed cluster averages consisting of both rtk and rtpk.

Wes Hand

Active Member
Notice 8005 in red. This was just a very short 4 second shot.

Look at the vertical difference of 0.28'

Notice we have the option to post process just that one point or all rover files. So cool.

Check out how both the horizontal & vertical got better after I post processed. I never used this as a tool until Shawn mentioned it earlier. It seems like a no brainer to do on all my points. I don't know why processing the same 4 seconds of data produces a different answer though. This does not fit the thought process that rtpk using all 6 minutes might produce a different result than on just one of the 2 minute intervals if this was one of my canopy shots. Thoughts anyone?


ken larson

Active Member
Seems like 3 rtpk solutions over the extended time...can not remember..3x60 sec solutions match...think i would know from staring at all day...allows for new satellite combinations to occur and increase the probability of a more precise location.

Do think this procedure is going to be useful...did not know it existed

I was out of radio range and collected data on a point that I think I could have RTPK processed when I got back in radio range, but I failed to figure out on the fly..I assume it was one of the options mentioned

Wes Hand

Active Member

If you collected a point with no corrections available you would need to download the base data….you don’t have to stop the session as I think there is a download option. Once downloaded run the post process in the few points or you could process them all. It’s not the way you’d want to work all day obviously but it beats the time involved setting up a new base if you are only chasing a few points. I’ll over shoot it and store minimum 3 time periods because obviously I don’t have real time data and don’t know if I got it. If it’s open I just use 30 seconds if wooded I will use 180-240 on a critical point.

Wes Hand

Active Member
I did talk with Matt Sibole today and he sorta reeled me back in. I need to post that I was sharing this post processing feature with a colleague of mine. First picture is of point 3042 and both rtk and rtpk are ok horizontally right? The rtpk was set for 3 fixes to agree. We post processed just to test and that sucker failed and we lost the rtpk shot as displayed in the second picture. I posted this from my phone so I hope the pictures came through. I think I have them flipped but you can still get the idea


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ken larson

Active Member

If you collected a point with no corrections available you would need to download the base data….you don’t have to stop the session as I think there is a download option. Once downloaded run the post process in the few points or you could process them all. It’s not the way you’d want to work all day obviously but it beats the time involved setting up a new base if you are only chasing a few points. I’ll over shoot it and store minimum 3 time periods because obviously I don’t have real time data and don’t know if I got it. If it’s open I just use 30 seconds if wooded I will use 180-240 on a critical point.
Thanx...I will give that a go next time