PDF Files

Dave Blaker

New Member
I am trying to get the pdf files for the point reports. Even unzipping the archived data I cannot see any of the pdf's that are extracted. My field guy can see them only because he has linux on his personal computer. Is there something I am missing in order for these to be visible? We have Windows 10 & 11 in the office and nobody can see these files unless he goes through every job and re-copys them into the server.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Hi Dave,

Are you saying the pdfs are missing after the is unpacked? Can you attached one of your zip files so I can look at it.

Dave Blaker

New Member
No they aren't missing, we just cannot see them with Windows 10 or 11. Sorry but every file I've tried to attach is too big. I can open the zip file and not one pdf is visible, same thing when I extract the zip file. My son has no issues at all seeing them with Linux. We have 2 offices and he doesn't have the time to go through every job pulling these out for us (PLS') to go through them as responsibles in charge.