Camera delets my point descriptions

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
I press start, and it starts.
I start filling in point description.
Suddenly, it takes off clicking.
It jumps to phase 2, while I'm filling it in. It does screen shots.
When it's done doing screen shots, all the pount description I have filled in, are gone.
Start over.
The thing is, you often don't know how long phase 1 will take.
It bites me, a couple of times a day.

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Just to be clear. Screen captures have nothing to do with the camera. They just use the same shutter sound.

The screen capture at the end of phase 1 is tricky. If it doesn't interrupt, it can't get the screen captures.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
That is, all typing during phase one, IF I am still typing.... IF I stop typing, AND escape back to the Action screen, it saves it.

My point is, that it "Forgets" what was typed, if I am still in the mode, to fill in the point desc. When it reaches the end of phase 1.
