Design point as base setup


Active Member
Can you use a design point as base setup? Will the base setup be able use the elevation of the design point? My thinking is that I can use an OPUS processed coordinates and elevation manually entered in CAD and import that in design points and select that as "Known" in the base setup at start of session. Cumbersome but maybe a work around to the situation. Thoughts and comments appreciated. Mike


Active Member
Nate I tried to use a deign point as base setup and base setup would not let me use that point to continue it said I was far too away or something. Decided it was hot to stand there and argue with a piece of equipment in hot sun. If you can give a step by step it would be most appreciated. Mike


Active Member
Thanks Matt. I am still trying to figure out what to do with the OPUS solution in regard to my autonomous base I have in my job. Any thoughts on that process?

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Thanks Matt. I am still trying to figure out what to do with the OPUS solution in regard to my autonomous base I have in my job. Any thoughts on that process?
You need to use M-Local. It is documented in the Quick Start Guide.




Active Member
Matt, I did the M-local (first time doing it). As a check I did a translate points in Carlson (which is not that sophisticated looking) and the coords and elevations kind of match up.. Going out tomorrow and stake out some known points. Thanks again for the help. Can not wait until DPOS is up and running. Mike


Active Member
Yes. Matt was right about things having pretty close. The difference in the elevation was not even close. The M-local seemed to do what I needed it to do. I had not even thought about elevation. Thanks for bringing that up. I will check this out in the morning before the Death Valley heat gets going. Good Lord willing and the creeks don;t rise we will DPOS back. Mike