Javad LS, T2 with RTK Drone


New Member
Starting a Photogrammetry chapter in my surveying business, still wrapping my head around the idea. I bought an Autel Evo 2 V3 RTK, I know I don't NEED rtk because of PPK and GCPs, but I like the idea of using it as another source. Do we need to have the base and Rover set for SIM Cards to use rtk with? The issue I have, is that I'd prefer to use our JAVAD T2 and LS Rover, but the T2 doesn't support a Sim card. Could we just use the LS as a base and use THAT SIM card only to broadcast corrections? Maybe that is a JAVAD Question??

Also regarding NTRIP....JAVAD offers a service for 1k$ for a one time fee, whereas our other gps offers what they call StormCaster for 600$ per year. That's a Hemisphere S631 from Benchmark Canada (same as Carlson BRX7)

What do you all do? I cant seem to find many javad users with rtk drones. Should we ignore RTK? What free processing do you use? I've tried out Metashape with seemingly good results. They only charge you when you want to export data. Thanks

Brian Ray

I purchased an Emlid RS2+ to use with my M350 for RTK. It's a shame to have lots of Javad rtk equipment and not be able to use it with the drone for rtk, but DJI doesn't work with UHF or TCP corrections. The Emlid will connect to the DJI controller and provide RTK corrections via a local Ntrip setup.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
I purchased an Emlid RS2+ to use with my M350 for RTK. It's a shame to have lots of Javad rtk equipment and not be able to use it with the drone for rtk, but DJI doesn't work with UHF or TCP corrections. The Emlid will connect to the DJI controller and provide RTK corrections via a local Ntrip setup.
Javad's JCORS is a NTRIP service. Did you ever try it?


We use a DJI drone but don't use rtk location. We use Red Tool Box to post process the photos with the base data. then i use agisoft metashape to process the photos for point cloud and ortomosaic photo


New Member
What service are you referring to? JCORS is free.

To use the T2 as a base you would just need to connect the T2 to the internet through WiFi hotspot.
Is there a video somewhere to elaborate on how to do this? I feel like JAVAD doesn't even try to help with this. I'd like to try this!

John Rosco

Active Member
To use aT2 as 'a base' to connect to the internet through Wi-Fi hotspot to send / provide 'RTCM3 TCPO MSM (multi-constellation) corrections is easily available.
Note" For Triumph-LS+ 'rover' users, this is automatic when using the 'Remote Base' configuration via JFIELD.

However, using the NetView application (or GREIS command line interface), the same 'setup' can be configured for any user application or requirement :)

John Rosco

Active Member
For RTK corrections to a 'drone', where the 'drone' can accept NTRIP corrections, the JAVAD 'base' with an Internet connection can be setup as an NTRIP Caster.
Thus replacing the need to provide JAVAD 'base' TCPO corrections to a JCORS server service via the Internet.

The JAVAD 'base' NTRIP Caster option (OAF configuration) allows for multiple 'mountpoints' so as to provide various RTCM correction message types in parallel for various 'remote' user requirements, from one JAVAD 'base' GNSS receiver.

RTCM orrection Message Options.jpg

John Rosco

Active Member
When using a Triumph 'base' that has been configured from the Triumph-LS 'rover', please bear in mind the TLS JFIELD 'rover' Base Reference Frame that has been configured.
For North America, many users are using NAD83(2011) reference which has a 1 to 2 meter offset from the GPS/GNSS WGS84/ITRF reference ellipsoid (in CONUS).
Globally, and also as used by GPS/GNSS, the WGS84 / ITRF reference applies (and is used).

Thus for RTK 'base' corrections, being provided to 'rover' units, be aware of the Reference Frame selected so as to ensure no position 'offset' are being observed.

NAD83(2011) positions are based on ‘geoid’ and are different to WGS84/ITRF positions that are based on ‘ellipsoid’, so have slight differences in coordinates for any ‘static’ location in the USA.
NAD83 is defined to remain constant over time for points on the North American Plate, whereas WGS84 is defined with respect to the average of stations all over the world.