Jerci & J-Field prerelease

Have a LS+ on prerelease and T1M+ UHF as a base. Won't connect to JERCI, does prerelease not work with it? Had to use prerelease to connect to the new T1M+.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
When I tried this the "Find Device" function in JERCI did not discover the LS. Is this the issue you had? I was able to connect by manually typing in the Bluetooth MAC Address.
Says it connects but continues to flash disconnected and connected every second the JERCI screen never displays my LS screen just the "photo template" of an LS with the display screen portion just a red X. Will try to manually connect when the unit is available.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Try turning on the "Auto reconnect on connection lost" option in the JERCI app if you do not have this on.


Active Member
Would be nice to know the reasoning behind this decision of a useful and actually essential tool being dropped. What are we going to do when we can't see the screen after orienting the screen for the correct antenna alignment on the LS, setting up on a steep slope without sliding into the LS, etc. If this is change for the sake of change, not good thinking. An explanation and or as good as or better option would be appreciated. Mike

Jim Frame

Well-Known Member
Count me as another JERCI fan. It's not uncommon for me to have to raise the TLS above an 8' chain link fence in order to get a clean signal, and JERCI is a super-easy way to operate the receiver under those conditions. Does RAMS provide all of the same functionality?

David M. Simolo

Well-Known Member
JERCI is a great asset while working in the field under the various conditions that we encounter and I use it routinely. I'll try to see how RAMS might work out as a replacement to help future-proof my routine.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
JERCI has been depreciated and is no longer supported for the TLS.
RAMS can be used to connect to a TLS via a 'network' connection.

Hi John, I just tried JERCI on my Android device and it still connects and works without issues with the current version of J-Field.