Points list

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Andrey, what would you think about adding one more formatting option of "PointName Code Description" without displaying the commas and not displaying the Code if it is "DefCode"? This is the format I would prefer to see.

Andrey, one more tweak and request for this. I think it would be better with a hyphen after the point name so it's formatted like "PointName - Code Description". Also it would be nice to apply this setting to the point names displayed in the CoGo function as well.

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
Oh. That's nice, Andrey.

This is what we're accustomed to in the points list:

Select the Resource Button (button with three green lines in the upper right):

Select Settings:

Toggle Button to the Right of "Name"

Toggles from Name>Name Code>Name Code Description

Result for Name Code Description

This is from a loaner receiver that I have not configured for Codes, so all of the Codes are "DefCode". Rather than using a comma or hyphen, I would separate with the "|" symbol. I agree it would be best to skip any points with "DefCode" as the code. Nate was asking for this feature a couple of days ago. Looks like it's already here, Nate. Nicely done, Andrey. Note that as Matt said, this is still in development and not yet released. Also, the appearance is likely to change some before release, so don't be surprised if the final version looks a bit different.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
Shawn this should be available to everyone now with the newest update. Would you prefer "PointName | Code | Description" or "PointName | Code Description"? The current "PointName Code Description" doesn't display DefCode, the other formats do. Do you think we should always hide DefCode in all the formats?

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
The current "PointName Code Description" doesn't display DefCode, the other formats do.

I see. There is a difference between "Name Code Description" and "Name, Code, Description". The option with spaces omits DefCode. The option with commas does display DefCode. I'm fine with using the option with spaces as is.

Do you think we should always hide DefCode in all the formats?

I think so. I can't think of a case where DefCode is helpful. It's the "layer0" of our system.

Matt Johnson

Well-Known Member
So you think it's best to keep "Name Code Description" and we don't need "PointName | Code | Description" or "PointName - Code Description"?

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
O! YEAH! and some sort of quick button press to look at it..... Hey, we need music with this! :) It's SO nice to actually voice our wish and wants, and actually have somebody listen!!!

Shawn Billings

Shawn Billings
and some sort of quick button press to look at it
What do you mean by this, Nate? The blue field on the left shows details if you highlight the point. Then if you pick the blue field it takes you to even more details...

Edit: blue field on the right

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Like U1, or double click U1, or LONG press of U1. So that we can go fast between List the points, and descriptions, so we don't (swat) forget the point numbers while (Swatting mosquitoes) by the time we get to INVERSE.. or offset.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
When going between View Points, Inverse, Offset, and TRAV (TRAV is Point in Direction, on a TDS...) we need to be ABLE to go there SUPER fast, so we can simply memorize the point numbers, and utilize them in inverse, then memorize that, and then use TRAV, to go Inst @ 1, BS 2, FS (suggested empty slot) then go Ang 0, Dist * SF, (sf is scale factor) to prorate a new coordinate in. Another thing that we would use is MID pnt. A VERY simple little COGO routine that asks you for 2 points, and creates the MID point. I'm rambling.... Sorry, got excited!

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Ref, Post # 49 above:
Often, we don't need more details than Point NUMBER (name) and description. Often, the coordinate itself, is just numbers... clutters up the brain. As long as they are right, we don't care what they are. Hitting MORE details can help, if there are more attributes, and we might need them.... Hmmm I have not set up mine to do codes, and tags yet. So, I have a bit of learning to do, before going there.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
The faster, and simpler we can go between fields (cogo etc), then the more utilitarian the whole thing becomes, and the faster the survey progresses.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% sure what you mean. Do you hold down the P1, and then key it in? Is that what you mean?
But, when I do it, the pt desc does NOT come up. That is what I want.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
I got that. The list that comes up, only has the point NAME, or number. It does not have the description. I want it to answer the question I used to ask my old I-man, who had a data collector, "What's the brg and dist from that old Pipe we shot first this morning, to here" Pointing at the current traverse pt.
At that point, he'd scroll through the points, and find "Fd 3/4" Pipe in Rock Pile" in the point description, and memorize the point number. And, he'd find the last point that said "Set 30d 2" dp, 2.5' e to f." And, memorize the Pt Number. then he'd call out, N 2°13' 47" E, 1247.29'. This would allow me to continue re-coning the point I was looking for. Which was supposed to be at 1333.5'....

To apply this in a more modern sequence, I'd look at the LS, and list the points, looking for the pt number, or name, that had the correct descriptions, and inverse them. I have to have the point DESCRIPTION to choose the correct point name. I don't want to have to scroll through them, to find it. I want it to show on the LEFT hand panel, just after the Point number or name.... hmmm I see what your problem is... That big white spot is for LONG point names, that is alpha-numeric.

I don't think I have ever used a point number, or name that is over 4 characters long.

Let me think a bit.


Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
I saw that white wasted space, after the point name, in the list, and wanted to populate it with the First Characters of the Point Desc.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
This is all going well. I can step back... I would suggest that we should be able to search by desc, to find all the 1" or All the 3/8", but I guess that's already here, with the Filter...

I'm gonna step back, and bless you fellas! Glad it is gonna be great! Thanks!
