New Member
We have been using Triumph-2 units for capturing static GNSS data for many years. They are great little units that have always delivered. However, I had a wee glitch last week that has me worried (that it may happen again). We captured about 90mins of data at a clear site. All seemed to go well. After downloading and RINEXing the file (jps2rin) I submitted the data to LINZ PositioNZ for point-positioning. The data processed and sent me an answer - when I noticed the residuals of the solution were very large -> ENU errors (mm): 692.5 683.6 1096.1. Usually they are at the 10mm level.
I ran gfzrnx on the file to check the data and was surprised to see that there were some missing C2 observables on about 5 SV's which probably contributed to the high residuals in the position solution. (see attached screen snip of the report)
The firmware on the unit is up to date; the unit has since collected similar data - without any missing C2 observables.
Does anyone have an idea of what may have contributed to issue? Any idea if it may happen again?
I ran gfzrnx on the file to check the data and was surprised to see that there were some missing C2 observables on about 5 SV's which probably contributed to the high residuals in the position solution. (see attached screen snip of the report)
The firmware on the unit is up to date; the unit has since collected similar data - without any missing C2 observables.
Does anyone have an idea of what may have contributed to issue? Any idea if it may happen again?